Rs 200 subsidy announced on every cylinder after enhancement in the rates of domestic gas !

Keeping in view the increase in the price of domestic gas cylinder recently there have been protests all around with opposition parties criticizing the NDA government of overburdening the already distressed consumers after the hike in petrol, diesal prices n skyrocketing inflation. However, the central government has given relief to the consumers by announcing Rs 200 subsidy to every consumer on each cylinder which will automatically reach the bank accounts of the consumers. It may be recalled that there had been surge in domestic gas twice in a month with gas price per cylinder reaching 1053 rupees with outrage all around. But after the decision of the government to deliver the subsidy of Rs 200 on every cylinder the rate of per cylinder will come down to Rs 853, a good news indeed. In Uttar Pradesh the rate of per gas cylinder is Rs 1159 and after the Rs 200 subsidy, the rate will come down to Rs. 959 giving quite a relief. In various state capitals of the country the rates of gas cylinders are as below :

However, after the delivery of the 200 gas subsidy to the consumers having the income below Rs ten lakhs daily the rates will come down by Rs 200, after it will be deposited in their respective saving bank accounts. There had also been complaints by the consumers about non delivery of subsidy in their saving bank accounts. For this the government ( Ministry of Petroleum and natural Gas) has given a toll free number 18002333555 where the consumers can lodge their complaint. The consumer will have to go in the website of the LPG gas provider n get their complaint registered in addition to the above toll number. On the said toll number any consumer of LPG gas cylinder not receiving the subsidy can lodge his or her complaint. The authorised website of LPG is