While prime minister Narendra Modi on Friday morning flew directly from South Africa, Athens, Greece earlier at Brics summit in South Africa to Bengaluru to personally meet the ISRO chairman and the key scientist behind the show S. Somanath including all the dedicated scientists and technocrats including women space scientists and congratulated them in all earnestness, the chairman of ISRO S. Somanath lauded and thanked prime minister Narendra Modi for being the main source of inspiration behind this outstanding achievement saying that Hon’ble prime minister Narendra Modi came to the control centre today to congratulate each one of us . He was emotional about the historic event. We are very happy to know the naming of the sites as ” TIRANGA and SHIV SHAKTI wrote ISRO chief on X earlier Twitter. The deputy GM of ISRO too lauded the prime minister saying that as a leader, the prime minister Narendra Modi was the main source of inspiration who encouraged the space scientist towards success even after the 2nd Moon mission failing in 2019. The PM had then hugged K. Sivan, the then chief if ISRO and cajoled him saying that no need to worry as, we learn frim failures. He said ISRO has no dearth of outstanding scientists but as a leader prime minister Narendra Modi’s inspiration always motivated us all and the dedicated scientists to achieve this towering success. The prime minister met all the space scientists and the staff including the women scientists and interacted with them congratulating them heartily and lauding the NARI SHAKTI as most inspiring force behind every success including the one achieved on 23 rd August by successfully landing on the South Pole of the moon. His visit at the Bengaluru ISRO headquarter has not only added grace to the occasion but boosted the morale of space scientists to the core being lauded by one and all. Meanwhile ISRO revealed on X that the Pragyan Rover is actively roaming around ” Shiv SHAKTI Point “, ( the point where Chandrayaan 3 landed) in pursuit of the lunar Secrets of the South Pole. Apart from this it also revealed that of the three mission objectives, demonstration of a, Safe and Soft landing on Lunar Surface has been accomplished including the demonstration of the River roving on the moon. The Chandrayaan 3 is conducting all the in situ scientific experiments as all the payloads too are performing normally. This message of ISRO clearly reveals that all is well on the South Pole of the moon with Chandrayaan, its lander and rover functioning perfectly.
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