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Renowned Bollywood actor Nana Patekar says no need to create ruckus referring to “The Kashmir Files,” while talking to a news channel

The box office hit “The Kashmir Files”, movie based on the forced n traumatic exodus of Kashmiri Pundits in 1990 in thousands with around 400 deaths has become controversial with for and against comments trending in social media and the director, co producer and co story writer of the movie Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri given a Y catagory security in view of alleged threats being given to him.

The movie in which prominent Bollywood actor Mithun Chakravorty, Anupam Kher, Darshan Kumar and Pallavi Joshi have acted prominently in different roles after lot of research of more than two years, have left a special mark on the audience with the movie giving till now a business of Rs. 80 crores though it was produced in merely Rs 20 crores.

Keeping in view the tremendous crowds reaching the theatres at the pan India level, currently being exhibited over 2000 screens is likely to touch Rs 100 crores business in the next few days.

There have been incidents of people literary weeping n crying in pain inside the theatre including raising of slogans by the viewers and even Kashmiri Pundits who had lost their near and dear ones with the entire team of actors being invited by TV channels in studious for their interviews. Kindly recall that about five lakh Kashmiri Pundits were forced to leave their motherland Kashmir, their properties, money, belongings and even acquaintances behind with whom they lived for decades n were emotionally attached.

While the movie “The Kashmir Files”, has generated tremendous amount of interest in the audience to watch this movie, the prime minister Narendra Modi too had lauded its producers n directors for coming out with the truths of the traumatic pain suffered by Kashmiri Pundits in 1990 saying that the truth should be exposed which was deliberately concealed during the last three decades by the previous regimes. He said that if anyone criticizing it had objections to the movie they should come out with their own films. He catagorically stated that no movie has been produced on draconian emergency nor anyone in India took pain to make the movie on Gandhiji, except for the fact that it was made by a foreign producer. There is a controversy over this tragedy to be called a genocide or just limited number of killings of Kashmiri Hindus etc.

Meanwhile, the renowned Bollywood actor today raised objections to the screening of the movie “The Kashmir Files”, saying that though he has not seen it till yet, and will watch it to come with his views on it, the movie is creating an alleged divide in the society where all the communities especially the majority and minority, are living peacefully and in harmony for the last several decades.

Speaking to AAJ TAK CHANNEL Nana Patekar said while the movie highlights the plights and trauma of the Kashmiri Pundits which is definitely correct but is creating a different environment by exhibiting a one sided story.

Speaking to a news channel Nana Patekar catagorically said that there is an environment of peace, harmony and tranquility in the country.

In the diverse Indian society people of all faiths are living peacefully for decades.

In such a situation creating a controversy is not worth appreciable. Speaking to media he very clearly said that on seeing the movie the society may divide in two parts and therefore creating cracks in it which is not acceptable at any cost. He emphasised that both the majority and minority communities are living here peacefully. Both communities are complimentary to each other. They can’t live without each other. Nana Patekar’s views have created yet another controversy as earlier in Jammu there had been demands for closure of theatres exhibiting this movie.

The Congress party had also accused the ruling party of supporting the then VP Singh government at the centre in 1990 when Mr. Jagmohan was the governor of Jammu Kashmir in BJP n the atrocities on Kashmiri Pandits occured leading to their mass exodus, while Farooque Abdullah was the CM n Mufti Mohammed Sayeed, the Union home minister whose daughter was the PDP chief soft towards the separatists. They had also accused the saffron party of forming govt in Kashmir with the PDP allegedly soft towards terrorists. The BJP MPs and union finance minister Dr. Nirmala Sitaraman too had accused the then PM Dr. Manmohan Singh for meeting separatist n Hurriyat Conference leader Yasin Mallick allegedly responsible for killing for Air Force officers, currently behind bars.

The movie Kashmir Files is running house full having generated nearly a hundred crore business in just a week’s time reveal various news reports.

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