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Reliance buys a truck of Garlic and potatoes produced in Mandar village of Tehri Garhwal. Demand for cold storage not fulfilled by the govt

Mahipal Negi

Reliance reached Mandar village to buy garlic…
As already discussed that the farming of Mandar village in Tehri district in producing Garlic, Potato, Amaranth Mandua, Jhangora and Milk – Curd…. etc have been marvellous n outstanding , this time garlic has become very much discussed having been produced here in good quantum. As a result Reliance reached the village with a truck to buy garlic. There is a lot to tell about the village. Its progressive farming is worth laudable.

In view of the good production the villagers of Mamndar village have been continuously demanding the construction of cold storage in order to enable them store their produce. They also gave constructive proposals to the Horticulture Department but if no avail, unfortunately.

Thee garlic and potatoes grown here in abundance are completely organic produced from traditional seeds. About 10 to 12 tonnes of garlic and 25 to 30 tonnes of potatoes remain available for purchase after about 500 families store it for their needs in their own storages. There are many other crops. Some farming is also done in other nearby surrounding villages, hence there is a demand to build a cold storage.
This time Reliance is buying most of the garlic @ Rs 100 per kg. After a few months, this garlic will be sold online for Rs 400 to Rs 500 per kg. Had there been a perfect cold storage facility in this s village garlic n potatoes including other corps would have been sold at Rs 150 to 200 per kg after a few months.

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