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Record 8.3 million doses innoculated on Monday free. PM happy.

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has expressed happiness over today’s record breaking vaccination numbers and has praised  frontline  Corona warriors for their hard work. 

In a tweet, the Prime Minister said : 

“Today’s record-breaking vaccination numbers are gladdening. The vaccine remains our strongest weapon to fight COVID-19. Congratulations to those who got vaccinated and kudos to all the front-line warriors working hard to ensure so many citizens got the vaccine. 

Well done India!”

On Monday , 21st June India gave out a record 8.3 million vaccine doses to adults free of costs against the previous months’ criticism about Covid related fatalities enhancing tremendously and subsequent shortage of vaccines including costly vaccines being sold in various private hospitals of the country.

The supreme court had also given its negative view terming the vaccines being sold at high costs in private hospitals etc as irrational and unjustifiable.

The prime minister had reduced the cost of vaccines to Rs 150 per dose which earlier was raised to Rs 1100 or so per dose in various private hospitals and also announced about free innoculation all over the country including taking it as the central government’s responsibility wholly freeing the states of its responsibilty of placing orders to buy vaccines from vaccine manufacturers .

The PM has announced that the central government would buy 75% of the vaccines from the drugs manufacturers n distribute free of costs to various states allocating 25 % vaccines to hospitals all over the country to be sold at Rs. 150 per dose.

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  1. हमारे पूर्वज पूजा से पूर्व अलोम वलोम व कपाल भाती किया करते थे । आजकल कुछ योग का प्रयास करते हैं तो कुछ सचमुच अभ्यास करते हैं । कुछ हाई कमान की आज्ञा का पालन करते है, कुछ उस दिन प्रमाण के लिये फोटो खिंचवाने आते है । जब तक यह प्रकृया नित्यकर्म का हिस्सा न बनेगी तो माननीय मोदी जी का मकसद अधूरा रह जायेगा ।

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