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Delhi news


A curative petition in KIRAN NEGI case may be filed during the summer vacation in supreme Court or thereafter as the senior criminal lawyer Satish Tamta is studying the various challenging points there in, in earlier judgements and review petitions that were quashed by the Supreme Court acquitting the culprits. A delegation of National Justice Forum met the renowned criminal lawyer Satish Tamta at his, Delhi High Court chamber on 15 May and discussed the matter. The lawyer was quite optimistic and saw a good ray of hope in the case in the near future. However, he demanded few days more time to deeply study the case especially after finding some weak points in the previous judgements. He however, said that may be during summer vacation n bit thereafter the curative petition will be filed in Supreme Court though a senior judge in record in the apex Court also needs to be find yo give written permission to file the curative petition.

Meanwhile, on 12 th May 2023 a meeting was held at Okhla office of Mr. Jagdish Bhatt, member NJF on his request in which number of NFL members attended it. Those who attended these deliberations were :Pratap Shahi, Shiv Charan Mundepi, Kushal Jeena, Vinod Rawat, Haripal Rawat, Anil Pant, Prema Dhoni, Harish Khulbe, Onkar Singh Koli, Mahabir Ramola, Jagdish Bhatt, and senior Adv Beer Singh Negi. Mr. Shahi chaired the meeting and SC Mundepi took the notes/minutes of the meeting. In yesterday’s meeting SUNIL Negi, president Uttarakhand Journalists Forum, Pratap Shahi, senior Advocate Beer Singh Negi and Mahavir Ramola was present. The criminal lawyer Satish Tamta was very hopeful and said that despite all this he is giving 50/ 50 chances in the case as it needs to be dealt with very meticulously and with legal dexterity because of certain challenges. Hopefully during the summer vacation or thereafter the curative petition would be filed in Supreme Court said Mr. Satish Tamta.


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