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Ravindra Jugran quits AAP to return to his parent party BJP after journo Ashutosh Negi joined Congress, quitting AAP

The Aam Admi Party has suffered a setback today after the former state minister rank leader of saffron party during the tenure of Major General retired, Bhuvan Chandra Khanduri, Ravindra Jugran who had joined it a year ago has resigned from AAP and rejoined his parent party Bhartiya Janata Party after the present chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami accepted his demand for ten percent horizontal reservation to the people with disabilty in Uttarakhand. Feeling impressed by the present CM’s acceptance of the demands put forward by him pertaining to the horizontal reservation in Uttarakhand he took no time to return to the parent party under the CM’s call thanking him.

Some leaders of the Aam Admi Party who had joined it either from other parties or in search of great hopes and aspirations are now leaving the party after finding it hollow from inside said one of its leaders. A prominent journalist of Uttarakhand and renowned social and RTI activist Asutosh Negi from Pauri Garhwal too had left AAP recently who had joined it about a year ago in a hope that the party which talks so much about transparency would honestly work hard to change the destiny of the state but after analysing the style of functioning of its leaders at the regional level, they were immensely disappointed finally quitting it, the party which is known as a political outfit to announce freebies, having taking birth out of the Anna’s movement against prevailing corruption in the country.

The AAP leader who quit the party joining his parent party BJP after joining Kejrival’s party a year n a half ago had lot of aspirations and expectations from them but was disenchanted later on, finally returning back to his parent party.

Ravindra Jugran’s name had also not occured in the first list of Aam Admi Party released few days ago.

A popular leader of Uttarakhand based in Dehradun Ravindra Jugran had joined AAP during the then CM Trivendra Singh Rawat’s tenure, criticizing the then BJP government of literally doing nothing for unemployed youths and also not coming true to the people’s expectation.

But during his two years stay in AAP, his all hopes dashed finally compelling him to return back to pavilion.

Meanwhile, a few days ago journalist turned politician Ashutosh Negi was welcomed in Congress by the state president Ganesh Godiyal in a function at Srinagar after he too bid goodbye to Aam Admi Party for its leaders’ dictatorial style of functioning.

A few days ago a three time independent contestent from Pratap Nagar legislative constituency from Teri Garhwal, and a chartered accountant Rageshwar Painuly too quit Congress to join his parent parth BJP af Dehradun.

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