The wife of the last king of Tehri Garhwal dynasty Maharaja Manvendra Shah who could be the king for just three years before India got independence and his kingship taken back, Maharani Raj Kunwar Shah has died after the prolonged illness, while under treatment at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
The mother in law of the three term MP and present member of parliament of Tehri Garhwal as well, Maharani Rajya Laxmi, breathed her last at the age of 99 years.
According to her daughter in law’ s tweet : Anguishing news, My mother in law Rajmata Suraj Kunwar Shah wife of late Maharaja Manvendra Shah breathed her last in Delhi on 2nd October. Her last rights will be performed at Ganga Ghat Muni ki Reti at Rishikesh said her tweet.
On receiving the news of the sad demise of the Rajmata of Tehri Garhwal a shock wave has, spread in the entire Tehri Garhwal as the late king was allegedly revered as ” BOLENDU BADRI “, equivalent to God Badri vishal.
He represented Tehri Garhwal constituency for five terms as MP first as an independent MP n lateron under the BJP banner.
His daughter in law Maharani Rajya Lakshmi is MP for the last three terms on BJP ticket.
Late Rajmata Suraj Kunwar Shah daughter of the King of Banswada Rajasthan was married to Maharaja Manvendra Shah, the longest serving MP and also ambassador of Ireland from 1980 to 1983. Rajmata has three daughters and a son.
Rajmata’s son and husband of the present MP from Tehri, Manujendra Shah had also been MP earlier.
According to the daughter in law of Rajmata , she will be given final adieu with full honours at Muni ki Reti Rishikesh in the afternoon on 4 th October.
Today her body has been kept at Tehri Garhwal Bhawan, Bhagwan Fass road for people’s, darshan.
May she find peace