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Rahul Gandhi reaches parliament on tractor. Randeep Surjewala and IYC chief BV Srinivas arrested.

The Congress president along with the senior spokesman of Congress Randeep Singh Surjewala, Deependra Hooda, Indian Youth Congress chief B V Sriniwas n other Congress MPs today drove a tractor to parliament House expressing his party’s solidarity with the agitating farmers and highlighting their cause. Several Punjab and Haryana Congress MPs accompanied Rahul on tractor.

Speaking in support of the agitating farmers Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said that the farmers who are our Anna Daatas are being defamed even termed as terrorists. He added that they are being harrassed, victimised and being deprived of their constitutional rights.

The farmers these days have been protesting against the three agricultural farm laws demanding their immediate withdrawal, at Jantar Mantar where today Bollywood actress Gul Panag also addressed the farmers led by Kissan Union chief Rakesh Tikaith n other farm leaders. Former Congress chief and MP from Wayanad Kerala, Rahul Gandhi drove the tractor inside parliament precincts this morning expressing this solidarity for the agitating farmers cause.

A board was annexed on the front portion of the tractor which read, “withdraw all the three black agricultural laws, “. Later the slogan shouting Congress leaders including chief spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala and Indian Youth Congress chief were arrested by the Delhi police and taken in a bus to Mandir Marg police station. The arrested leaders were raising anti government slogans demanding revocation of three farm laws with immediate effect. Kindly recall that the farmers of the country under the banner of All India Kisan Sangharsh Sammittee have been been agitating n sitting on permanent Dharna at various border points of Delhi Haryana, Uttar Pradesh n Punjab. There had been more than ten rounds of meetings with the Union agriculture minister Narendra Tomar, Union Minister Piyush Goyal etc at Vigyan Bhawan but the adamant farm leaders are not prepared to submit unless all the three farm laws are withdrawn terming them as anti farmer.

featured pic : Zee News

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