Rahul Gandhi expresses concern over PM laughing and cracking jokes in Parliament yesterday !

The former Congress president Rahul Gandhi expressed his serious concern over prime minister Narendra Modi literally laughing and cracking jokes in Parliament yesterday including castigating the former prime ministers when the entire Manipur is burning. Rahul Gandhi said that he is amazed to see that out of his more than two hours speech the prime minister spoke just for two minutes on Manipur and literally ridiculed the state by way of laughing and cracking jokes. Rahul Gandhi was on Friday addressing the media in New Delhi after walking out in Parliament yesterday while the prime minister was responding to the no – confidence motion tabled by the Congress deputy leader in Lok Sabha Gaurav Gogoi. Rahul said that during my last 19 years of experience in politics despite visiting so much of natural calamities and tragedies in the country, I have never in my entire life watched so tragic and painful tragedy as in Manipur. While criticizing prime minister Narendra Modi for ridiculing the state cracking jokes and laughing with his party MPs cheering him, Rahul Gandhi said that he ( PM) has no understanding about his being a prime minister as in my opinion after becoming prime minister you cease to be a politician or a leader of a particular party. You are my prime minister and of the entire country with no partisan attitude towards your party said, Rahul Gandhi. He said the prime minister has enough and multiple tools to deal with the critical situation of Manipur. Had he been willing to do so the situation could have been brought under control within few days but it didn’t happen. Apart from this drawback, he is neither speaking on Manipur situation nor visiting Manipur to apply balm on the festering wounds of the suffering mothers, sisters and brothers. He said that I know the reason behind this but can’t disclose it right now. Catagorically repeating that Manipur has been completely finished and decimated Rahul Gandhi said that I have in my entire political career never come across such a critical situation reminding the media men that when they deboarded at Imphal and intended to visit the Maity areas they were warned by Maity community leaders that though they are welcome with open arms but we should ensure that there is no Kuki in our security details lest we will kill them. An open threat. Similarly, Rahul said we got the same message from Kukies about Maity community when we visited their areas. We have to ensure that they are kept out by al means. The point is has anybody ever heard this open threat of killing their rivals with bullets. But this is happening in Manipur said Rahul Gandhi. He added : I also met mothers who have lost their sons and everything, lying in trauma in relief camps said, Rahul Gandhi anguishingly. On the question of the Congress MPs and opposition MPs who are vociferous in Parliament being selectively expelled / suspended from the house, Rahul Gandhi said they may do whatever they want to but we will fight them with whatever instruments we have to ensure that situation in Manipur improves and tranquility established there forth with. On the question of former Congress prime ministers being ridiculed by PM , Rahul Gandhi said never before in the Parliament’s history had ever any prime minister, even that of BJP like Vajpayeeji made mockery of former PMs. This is shameful said Rahul Gandhi. He also tweeted posting a video in Twitter in HINDI : MANIPUR IS BURNING AND IN PARLIAMENT PRIME MINISTER IS LAUGHING.