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Rahul Gandhi confident of seat adjustments among I.N.D.I.A constituents. Says : Will give a strong fight to BJP

The former Congress president Rahul Gandhi who is on his 4700 kilometres NYAY YATRA covering 15 states and to impact about 100 Like Sabha seats has expressed confidence that there would definitely be unanimity among the INDIA block partners on seat sharing in various states. He emphatically said that the conglomeration of 27 non BJP opposition parties of Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance would give a strong defeat to BJP led NDA in the general election of 2024. Expressing his pleasure over the mutual trust, confidence and affection among the allies of INDIA bloc former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi said that ours is an ideological alliance based on mutual trust that will strongly and with immense confidence confront the TSS and BJP in the general elections. Rahul Gandhi was addressing a press conference in Nagaland during his brief stay of his NYAY YATRA expressing tremendous confidence saying that the INDIA block is, extremely cohesive and strong. Answering to the questions of the media Rahul Gandhi seat adjustments among the India alliance partners is not a big issue. The talks are in progress and there would soon be mutual Adjustments among all the INDIA block partners without any difficulty said Rahul Gandhi. On the question about the disenchantment of Bihal chief minister Nitish Kumar in view of Mallikarjun Kharge appointed as Chairperson of INDIA Rahul Gandhi categorically denied this assumption saying that media, is, deliberately blowing the issue out of proportion. Media is always making it a big issue unnecessarily not mentioning about the amity and unanimity we have in INDIA. Rahul Gandhi was, speaking to the media when the INDIA bloc partners are hectically busy on seat adjustments in various states and BJP making mockery of them. Rahul Gandhi seems to be very confident about the INDIA bloc and is on the 4700 kilometre long NYAY Yatra after few months ago completing his 7000 kilometres Yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Rahul started his NYAY Yatra from Taubal, Imphal, Manipur on 14 th January. He was at Nagaland on Monday evening.

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