The History was created on 29 May 1953 when late Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay set their feet atop world highest point, Mt Everest at the height of 8848 metres.

Following decades of numerous tryst, the first ever successful ascent of the world’s
highest mountain was greeted with excitement beyond anyone’s expectations.
This historic day therefore hold great significance in the history of human kind and the achievement that captures the imagination, far beyond the climbing community.
70 years down the line now, this year happens to be the ‘Platinum Jubilee’ of the first
ascent of Mt Everest.

On 05 June, 2023, Indian Mountaineering Foundation(IMF) being the apex body in
India to govern, regulate and promote mountaineering in the country, joined in
celebrating this momentous occasion by organizing the event at IMF together with
the descendants of Sir Edmund Hillary and hi co partner Tenzing Norgay.
Mr Peter Hillary and Mr. Jamling Tenzing Norgay with their families graced the occasion with their significant presence alongwith many other dignitaries.

Indian Mountaineering Foundation, the Apex National Body is the recognized body
by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt of India, to regulate mountaineering,
trekking, sport climbing and allied adventure activities and had the privilege of
launching expeditions to Mt Everest in 1960, 1962, 1965, 1984, 1993 and 2021
besides other prominent mountaineering peaks in India and abroad.

IMF with glorious journey since its inception in 1957 has grown leaps and bound in promoting
mountaineering and allied sports activities contributing in equal measures towards
environmental protection and sustainability.
The Golden Jubilee of the first ascent of
Mt Everest was also grandly celebrated in 2003, organized by the IMF which was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji.
Prof Harshwanti Bisht, President-IMF who is herself a renowned mountaineer and a
environmentalist alongwith IMF office bearers & members, welcomed the Chief Guest
Smt Meeta Rajivlochan, IAS Secretary (Youth Affairs), Ministry of Youth Affairs
& Sports Govt of India, the Guest of Honour Shri Amit Kumar Ghosh, IAS,
Additional Secretary, Ministry of Road, Transport & Highways, Govt of India, Mr
Peter Hillary, Mr Jamling Tenzing Norgay who themselves are accomplished mountaineers and motivational speakers, their families, other dignitaries from Govt/ Foreign Missions/Public Sectors, Print/Electronic Media, mountaineers,
adventure enthusiasts, honourable members of the IMF and the Staff.

The Keynote address on “the impact on Indian mountaineering after the first
ascent of Mt Everest” by Mrs Rita Gombu Marwah, former Vice President-IMF &
Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Awardee and “a historical perspective leading
to the first ascent of Everest, climbing landmarks and challenges” by Brig Ashok
Abbey, AVSM, former President IMF & Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Awardee
were delivered.

Meeta Rajivlochan, IAS, Secretary (Youth Affairs), complimented IMF on this
occasion and appreciated the efforts of the IMF and said that the Ministry will
provide full support for the initiatives of the IMF.

Amit Kumar Ghosh, IAS, Additional Secretary congratulated and appreciated
IMF efforts. He said IMF is a true guardian of the Himalayas.
Peter Hillary and Jamling Tenzing Norgay, shared their experiences on
being sons of the first Everest conquerors and they too having climbed this highest peak in 190 and 1996 respectively.

Gp Capt R C Tripathi, VM(G) Hony Secretary gave the vote of thanks to the guests
for attending the event.
Also 05 June, 2023 IMF celebrated ‘World Environment Day’ with a theme
focused on solutions to plastic pollution as IMF has always been in forefront in
conservation of the environment and protection of the Himalayas.
The planting of trees was done by Meeta Rajiv Lochan, IAS, Amit Kumar Ghosh, IAS , Peter Hillary and Jamling Tenzing, Mount Everest climbers at IMF to commemorate the ‘World
Environment Day’.
The function was a grand success and was attended by almost 140 dignitaries.