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Hundreds of Congress workers and office bearers led by the former chief minister of Uttarakhand and former general secretary of AICC Harish Rawat for the second day marched from Congress Bhawan, Dehradun to the police headquarter raising slogans castigating the present BJP government and the police authorities for mercilessly thrashing the unemployed students and its leaders protesting under the banner of Uttarakhand Berojgar Sangh demanding CBI enquiry in the UKSSSC cheating, recruitment and paper leaked scam in order to ensure the arrests of the powerful kingpins behind this massive GHOTALA.

RAISING SLOGANS like first we have fought against the British now we are fighting against our own corrupt politicians, urging common man to come on the streets to join their relentless struggle.

The demonstrators were also holding a playcard demanding CBI enquiry in the brutal murder of innocent 19 year old receptionist at Vanantara Resort Ankita Bhandari.

Strongly condemning and opposing the arrest of a student protestor under the “Nakal Virodhi Adhiniyam”, anti cheating ordinance of Uttarakhand government – former chief minister Harish Rawat challenged the BJP government to arrest him ( Rawat) as well to oppose them as Arun did.

In a post sent in his Facebook and later posting it on twitter Congress leader wrote in Hindi : There is a news that a young man of Badkot Arun has been arrested under the Anti cheating ordinance just because he has raised a question ( complained) about the question papers not being sealed. He got that news published in a portal, highlighting this fact. The question is whether it’s sealed or not or should have been sealed or not ? If it was to be sealed then why wasn’t it sealed ? Or if it wasn’t to be sealed then they should have clarified that the question papers need not be sealed. If the papers were to be sealed than what’s the fault of Arun? Questioned Rawat. And similarly what was the fault of that portal, that published it? If you will shoot the messenger that means you are suppressing the necessary information said Harish Rawat. Earlier too there has been a controversy of the PCS examinations conducted in which the non sealed, once sealed question papers were distributed to the aspirants. How far it is true is anybody’s guess? said Rawat. Though it’s punitive to create unnecessary confusion by spreading rumours but he asked – after all whose duty is it to resolve such situations? This has to be fixed. We have been been always cautioning that there is no need to conduct these examinations under hurry or desperation. First clean up the system, make students or aspirants satisfied and when they feel so then only conduct these exams says Rawat. Instead of punishing the guilty – cheating defaulters or culprits you are punishing those who are fighting against them says, Harish Rawat. Instead of using the Anti Cheating ordinance against the cheating mafias you are using it against the victims of these mafias to supress them said Rawat. A student Arun has become the first victim of this anti cheating ordinance. I strongly oppose this wrong practice. If my opposition is a crime than use this ordinance against me too urged Rawat in his social media post. Yesterday octogenarian Harish Rawat got fainted during the demonstration and was taken to hospital in which his right hand was injured. Rawat gained senses after being treated by senior doctors at a Doon hospital. Meanwhile in a tweet Harish Rawat wrote : HAR ZOR ZULUM KI TAKKAR MEIN SANGHARSH HAMARA NAARA HAI : Gherao of police headquarter against the merciless n barbarous lathi charging on innocent young students n children by BJP government at DEHRADUN for the second consecutive day tweeted Rawat.

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