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Priyanka Gandhi to contest from Wayanad as Rahul Gandhi retains Rae Bareilly

The general secretary of Congress party and Gandhi family scion Priyanka Gandhi will contest from Wayanad, Kerala Lok Sabha parliamentary constituency as her brother Congress leader Rahul Gandhi will retain the Rae Bareilly seat resigning from Waynad constituency. However, this was being speculated earlier when Priyanka hadn’t opted to contest either from Rae Bareilly and Amethi. Accepting the Congress offer to contest from Waynad Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi said that she is extremely jubilant to contest from Wayanad and would ensure that she’ll come true to the expectation of the electorates , not let them feel the absence of her brother Rahul Gandhi. Addressing a press conference briefly in the presence of Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge, Rahul Gandhi and Mr. Venugopal, chief general secretary ( organisation) Priyanka Gandhi said she will do her very best to serve the people of Wayanad and is very happy to contest from here. She said she has a very close relationship with Amethi and Rae Bareilly too , the constituencies she has been serving for the last two decades assuring that she will continue to lend a helping hand to her brother Rahul Gandhi by serving the electorates of Rae Bareilly as well as Amethi in addition to her responsibility to serve the electorates of Waynad. Adding to the statement of his sister Priyanka, Rahul Gandhi said that this way the electorates of Rae Bareilly and Wayanad would get two MPs at a time at their service.

It may be recalled that former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi had contested from Rae Bareilly, UP as well as Wayanad , Kerala. This was his first time contest from Rae Bareilly and second time contest from Wayanad, Kerala. From Rae Bareilly Rahul contested as this constituency had been the family stronghold represented earlier by Rahul’s grandmother late PM Indira Gandhi , mother Sonia Gandhi and even Arun Nehru n others in the past. Rahul defeated his nearest BJP rival Dinesh Singh with a huge margin of more than 3.5 lakh votes from Rae Bareilly whereas from Wayanad the margin of victory was massive i.e. 3,64422 votes a record of sorts.

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