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Will Uttarakhand Congress’s present chief be changed?

Speculations are rife that the change in Uttarakhand leadership is almost imminent, particularly if the latest news is to be believed. There are reports that the central High command has almost decided in this regard with merely announcement to be made. Even the former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi has given his green signal in this regard reveal sources. However, there is no confirmation in this regard but political analysts are posing a question : Will the present Congress chief change?

The present Congress chief Pritam Singh may be replaced with a new incumbent having proximity to former Harish Rawat, formers’ bete noire as the present party chief’s tenure has already been over who was appointed in 2017 not ready to give up, come what may.

His name has been finalised as the leader of The opposition of Uttarakhand assembly reveal reliable sources.

The ongoing factionalism in Congress party between the former chief minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat and the present chief Pritam Singh with veteran Congress leader Rawat always against Pritam Singh and vice versa, has now reached the centre with several Congress leaders of the state lead by Congress chief summoned to Delhi, with many of them meeting Rahul Gandhi two days ago and allegedly complaining about the interference of former CM Rawat despite his being given the Punjab responsibility and appointing him as national general secretary n CWC member etc.

It is believed that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had spoken to these Uttarakhand leaders separately to analyse the situation and had even deliberated with Harish Rawat and Pritam Singh together separately, to patch up the differences. Though what transpired in the meeting with Rahul Gandhi had not come out but latest reliable reports suggest that final adieu to the state Congress chief Pritam Singh is almost decided as during his tenure despite his best efforts to rejuvenate the Congress party, the party has lost in Parliament, panchayat and local other elections with BJP always having an upper hand.

On the other hand former Congress state chief and CM, general secretary AICC Harish Rawat is leaving no stone unturned to get his nominee nominated as the new president of Uttarakhand Congress in order to allocate maximum tickets to his cronies in order to ensure his election at the time of the choice of a new Uttarakhand CM in the ensuing assembly elections.

Meanwhile the name of former Uttarakhand Congress chief Kishore Upadhyay is also under active consideration who said that the selection has been left to the party high command and whoever is given the responsibility would be wholeheartedly accepted by the state’s rank and file.

It may be recalled that in view of the increasing factionalism in Uttarakhand Congress and stretched swords of rivalry between Harish Rawat and Pritam Singh camps with news of increasing factionalism coming to the fore especially when state assembly elections are just eight months ahead, the central leadership is worried to resurrect the party’s image, reputation and position to ensure victory in the elections due for 2022 defeating it’s immediate rival BJP.

The process will commence with change of the current leadership of the state Congress chief Pritam Singh and nominating him as leader of the opposition with both camps trying hard to get their respective candidates appointed.

Kindly recall that Harish Rawat being a veteran Congress leader is having extremely good personal relations with Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi and also being a sharp manipulator as well has better prospects in these forthcoming developments, with Pritam Singh camp doing their best to go ahead strongly n unitedly to defeat BJP in the ensuing elections.

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One Comment

  1. Uttarakhand is only state where congress may revive, if able to win the confidence of state people with local land reforms and no special inclination towards Muslim voters. Uttrakhandi people outside are under fear that there land either be grabbed by state Govt. or by the infiltrating muslims. Congress still is second party after BJP liked by the voters in the state. AAP will fall flat in the state on its free electricity schemes. People are not greedy to accept such offers but need self respect of Uttarakhand as a state and its development.

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