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Prime minister Narendra Modi speaks to France President Emanuel Macron

Prime minister Narendra Modi spoke to the President of France Emanuel Macron on Tuesday telephonically.

During the telephonic interactions both the leaders discussed regional issues including recent developments in Afghanistan sharing concerns about possible spread of terrorism, narcotics, illicit weapons and human trafficking. They also conversed to find ways and means to ensure human rights, rights of women and minorities in Afghanistan currently ruled by Talibans.

During their telephonic conversation both the leaders also reviewed the increasing bilateral collaboration in the Indo-Pacific region, and the significant role to be played under the the India-France partnership in promoting stability and security in the region.  

Both the leaders mutually agreed to maintain close and regular consultations, in the spirit of the India-France Strategic Partnership, which both countries cherish deeply since long.

Kindly recall that the Indian union minister of External Affairs Dr. Jaishankar has initiated a bilateral talks series and as a sequel to this he held a meeting with the foreign minister of France in New York.

featured pic Deccan Herald

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