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Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has saluted the spirit of all the people associated with Uttarkashi tunnel rescue operation.

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has saluted the spirit of all the people associated with Uttarkashi tunnel rescue operation.

Shri Modi said that the success of the Uttarkashi Tunnel rescue operation of our labor brothers is an emotional moment for everyone. Acknowledging the courage and patience of those who were trapped in the tunnel, he wished them good health. The Prime Minister added that everyone involved in this mission has set an amazing example of humanity and teamwork.

The Prime Minister posted on X;

The success of the rescue operation of our labor brothers in Uttarkashi is making everyone emotional. I want to say to the friends who were trapped in the tunnel that your courage and patience is inspiring everyone. I wish you all well and good health. It is a matter of great satisfaction that after a long wait these friends of ours will now meet their loved ones. The patience and courage that their families have shown in this challenging time cannot be appreciated enough. I also salute the spirit of all the people associated with this rescue operation. His bravery and determination have given new life to our labor brothers. Everyone involved in this mission has set an amazing example of humanity and teamwork.

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