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Prime minister Modi telephonically converse with Russian President Putin on Afghanistan situation

After the emergence of Taliban in Afghanistan since the United States forces withdrew from this war torn country, India is witnessing the far reaching geopolitical impact going adversely against it.

While India is keeping a close watch on Afghan development, prime minister Narendra Modi today telephonically conversed in detail with the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Both the world leaders talked for over 45 minutes on the prevailing Afghan situation with some interaction on Covid 19 issue as well. The prime minister in his tweet today wrote : Have a detailed and useful exchange of views with my friend President Putin on recent developments in Afghanistan.

We also discussed issues on bilateral agenda, including India Russia co operation against Covid 19. We agreed to continue close consultations on important issues tweeted PM Modi.

Yesterday prime minister Modi also spoke to German Chancellor Markel and discussed bilateral, multilateral and regional issues, including recent developments in Afghanistan. During his conversation, both the leaders reiterated their commitment to strengthen the India Germany strategic partnership.

It may be recalled that after the capture of 34 provinces of Afghanistan including its capital Kabul, compelling its former president Ashraf Ghani, his family, entire cabinet and lawmakers fleeing the country, process of the formation of the new government led by Taliban has commenced with China, Pakistan already having given their legitimacy to the new regime with Iran also in a supportive mode. Russia has already appreciated the gesture of Taliban as recently the Ambassador of Russia in Afghanistan had lauded the behaviour of new Taliban as was expected from him.

The Russian ambassador had while lauding Taliban termed their attitude as disciplined, positive, good and business prone. Speaking on Echo Noskivi Radio Station in Moscow, Russian ambassador to Afghanistan Dimitri Jhirnov while indirectly praising the Taliban regime said that everything is normal and peaceful in Afghanistan. The situation in Afghanistan n Kabul is more better and satisfactory than what it was during the regime of the previous president Ashraf Ghani, said Dimitri Jhirnov.

As if this pro Taliban comment was not enough the special representative of Russian President has in his statement deplored the fleeing of Ashraf Ghani terming it as a shameless action.

Taliban has recently announced that it will not harrass women, nor will avenge their arch rivals assuring that those interested to live in Afghanistan are free to stay here without any fear n reservations. But despite this change of heart statement of the Taliban leaders those living in Afghanistan are not trusting them as they had in the past seem the tortuous face and terrifying actions of these gun toting insurgents from 1991 to 1996 when they ruled Afghanistan, killing the outgoing president Nazibullah, hanging his death body on a lamp post to send across their unambiguous message of the cruel face of Talibanese. There had been unaccounted incidents of harassment n victimisation of women like injuring Malala with a bullet who opposed the then Taliban rule teaching children in Afghanistan etc.

It was during the rule of the Taliban that global terrorists like Al Kaida etc were encouraged in Afghanistan aided and abetted by Pakistan and other Islamic nations creating havoc in various countries of the world including US committing 9/11 and in strife prone Kashmir as well.

At present while majority of the nations are deadly against granting recognition to the Taliban led government including India, countries like China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran are in favour of legitimising the Taliban led government in Afghanistan. The reason is absolutely clear, these anti US nations have found the most opportune time to step in Afghanistan posing threat to India, to keep us in tenterhooks.

featured pic : India TV news

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