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Prime minister accuses opposition for corruption, dynastic rule, appeasement and nepotism. Kharge reminds of massive development during Congress rule !

The prime minister Narendra Modi on his address to countrymen on the 77 th independence day roared from the Red Fort ramparts and reiterated his commitment not to tolerate corruption at any cost that existed during Congress rule in the shape of scams after scams worth crores of rupees. He castigated the Congress as the party always believing in a dynastic rule, for the people of the people and by the people. Terming the next five years as the Golden period PM Modi said that he will be addressing another independence day with more confidence and determination from the ramparts of Red fort next year, criticizing the opposition for encouraging extreme appeasement in the country setting wrong political standards. He categorically said that during his nine year rule not only have we controlled inflation, given employment, encouraged women led development and given maximum women pilots in Airforce but have also enhanced the women led mission in G 20 including outstanding Chandryaan achivement. While speaking for ninety minutes 4 minutes less that last year prime minister Narendra Modi emphasized on nation’s unity and integrity and highlighted various developmental projects, initiatives and scheme of his government including the Swach Bharat Mission and Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna etc.

Speaking to 140 crore countrymen on the occasion of the 77th Independence Day from the Red Fort, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the countrymen for forming a strong and stable government after three-decades of uncertainty, instability and political compulsions.

He said that the country has such a government today which is devoting every moment of the time and every penny of the people’s money for the balanced development of the country, for ‘Sarva Jan hitay, Sarva Jan sukhay’. 

The Prime Minister took pride when he said that the government linked to just one yardstick, that is, ‘Nation First’. Every decision taken by the Government is in this direction, he added. Shri Modi called the Bureaucracy his hands and feet, who are working in every corner of India, and have ‘performed to transform’. “And that’s why this period of ‘reform, perform, transform’ is now shaping the future of India. And we are promoting those forces within the country, which are going to strengthen the foundation of the coming thousand years”, he added.

The Prime Minister talked at length about the Government’s initiative towards balanced development in the country by creating new Ministries in various sectors. PM Modi said that the world needs youth power and youth needs skills. He expressed confidence that the new ministry for skill development would not only fulfil the needs of India, but will also fulfil the needs of the world.

PM Modi said that the Ministry of Jal Shakti is laying emphasis on ensuring that pure drinking water reaches each and every citizen of our country. “We are reiterating and focusing on development of sensitive systems to protect the environment”, he added.

Talking about how India showed the light during the dark times of the Corona pandemic, he said the government created a separate Ministry of AYUSH and today Yoga and AYUSH are making waves in the world. After India braved Corona, the world is looking for holistic health care, which is the need of the hour, he added.

Referring to the separate Ministry for fisheries, animal husbandry and dairy, the Prime Minister   called them crucial contributors and pillars of the government and the country’s economy. The new Ministry is playing an important role so that no one from the society and that class is left behind in availing the benefits announced by the government, he added.

Prime minister Narendra Modi called the cooperative movement as a major part of the society’s economy. He said that the newly created Cooperative Ministry is spreading its network through cooperative institutions so that the poorest of the poor are heard and their needs are met. The Ministry is facilitating them to contribute in an organized way towards the development of the nation by being a part of a small unit. “We have adopted the path of prosperity through cooperation”, he added.

PM Modi also spoke on Manipur situation expressing his serious concern and anguish trying to apply balm on the festering wounds of the victims.

Meanwhile, the veteran Congress leader and president Mallikarjun Kharge didn’t arrived at the Red Fort event on the pretext of his being ill with his chair at Red Fort giving a vacant look with his name plate on it. However he unfurled the national flag at AICC headquarters, 24 Akbar road and released a video of his views on 77 th Independence day castigating the BJP led NDA rule and PM for trying to deliberately erase the past achievements during Congress rule on Twitter. While congratulating countrymen on the 77 th Independence Day Mallikarjun Kharge tweeted in Hindi posting his video: Heartiest congratulations to you all for Independence Day. The democracy and Constitution are souls of our country. We reiterate out commitment for the unity and integrity of the country, for brotherhood, anity and harmony including keeping the democracy and Independence intact, Jai Hind tweeted Mallikarjun Kharge.

He said that lot is being said about strengthening democracy but the mikes of the opposition leaders are muted in parliament and being suspended for raising their voice of dissent. Highlighting the outstanding contribution of stalwarts of freedom struggle like Nehru, Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, Maulana, Azad etc to free the country from colonial shackles of the British rule, Kharge said that when the Britishers handed over India to us the country was literally in shambles not even a needle was produced here as the first prime minister of the country but during Nehru’s tenure right from Bhakra Nangal, Sagar dams to IITs, schools, colleges, atomic power research centres to AIIMS to India becoming a nuclear power etc etc India became self reliant and a progressive industrial nation. He also highlighted the unique achievements during the tenures of prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Narsimha Rao, Dr Manmohan Singh including carving out Bangladesh from Pakistan during Indira Ji’s tenure as PM.

Highlighting the various achievements of Indira Gandhi including nationalising the 14 banks to come to the aid of poor and making India a string atomic power Kharge said Shastriji had made India, self sufficient in food grains when India suffered food grain shortage in the country. He also mentioned the name of BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the list of outstanding achiever during his tenure. Pointing towards prime minister Narendra Modi for giving entire credit to his own government of last nine years for various, achievements terming Congress tenure as corruption oriented Kharge said that leaders of credibility or great leaders never erase past history to create new history. They try to rename everything . He castigated the Modi government saying that they renamed every thing , the schemes of Congress rule, infrastructure projects thus ripping apart democracy, even silencing the mikes of opposition MPs in Parliament. Their dictatorial attitude speaks as now they are replacing the old laws that established tranquility in the country. Kharge said that now “achche din” have been replaced by Amrit Karl . Ridiculing prime minister Narendra Modi for taking every credit for achievements, Kharge said that every prime minister has contributed to the nation’s progress not as claimed by Mr. Modi said Kharge. Even giving credit to prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee for various achievements , Kharge said unfortunately the democracy, Constitution and integrity of the country are in danger and the premier investigating agencies like CBI, ED, Income Tax departments are being misused to harass and victimise the opposition political leaders including those speaking against them in parliament being suspended and their speeches being expunged from parliamentary proceedings. .

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