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Press Club of India express its profound dismay regarding detention of several you tube journalists

The Press Club of India expresses its profound dismay regarding the detention of several
YouTube journalists in the Vaishali (Hazipur) and Muzaffarpur districts of Bihar over recent

In a statement issued here the PCI president Gautam Lahiri said that the suppression of media has regrettably become commonplace in Bihar of late. It appears that the district administrations in Vaishali and Muzaffarpur have been systematically targeting journalists and incarcerating them without adhering to proper legal procedures.

It added that in these two districts, journalists have been implicated in spurious cases merely for their critical reporting, which has exposed the involvement of government officials in improprieties.

The Press Club management have sought and received reports from ground in Hazipur, which reveals that first information reports or notices have been served against six journalists, some of whom are also affiliated with mainstream media outlets.

In Muzaffarpur, journalist Mithun Mishra has been imprisoned on false charges. Just a day prior to his arrest, he had raised concerns about the mismanagement of flood relief efforts in the area said the Press released issued by Press Club of India.

It added that a few months ago, two journalists were murdered in the same district. Rather than addressing the deteriorating law and order situation, the police seem more inclined to silence media coverage.

The Press Club of India calls for a thorough investigation into all these cases and insists that the police adhere to due process before filing FIRs. Police stations must not be utilized as venues for settling scores with journalists.
We urge the Press Council of India to initiate an impartial inquiry and direct the state government to withdraw cases field against the journalists if it’s fictitious.

The PCI also implores the chief minister of Bihar to educate the administration and police about the proper functioning of the media.

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