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After successfully landing on South Pole of the Moon setting a world record for being the first country in the world to do so and becoming the fourth nation of the elite space club comprising of United States of America and China, Russia leaving rest of the countries behind in Space Science the Pragyan Rover moving incessantly on South pole conducting various experiments today changed its route after encountering a crater taking a different route. As per the latest feedback posted on X by Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO) with latest pictures taken by Vikram LANDER showing the crater as well as the impression of the Pragyan Rover’s new route seen by over ten lakh people it revealed that on August 27 , 2023 , the Rover came across a 4 meter diametre crater positioned 3 metres ahead of its location. The Rover was commanded to retrace the path. It is now safely heading on a new path said the information given on X by ISRO. The scientists commanding and monitoring the Vikram LANDER and Pragyan Rover from its Bengaluru ISRO headquarter deserve to be complimented for so meticulously and efficiently controlling the Rover’s movement and appropriately tracing the crater positioned just three metres ahead of its location commanding the Rover to change its path intelligently and very safely. Just imagine, what would have happened had it not sensed the crater or had fallen in it? The four metre crater was seen by the high precision Navigation Camera which also retraced the new path of the Pragyan Rover sending very clear picture of the route. These high precision Navigation camera is fitted on board the ROVER. IT IS BELIEVED THAT THESE IMPRINT OF THE PRAGYAN ROVER WILL REMAIN INTACT ON THE SOUTH POLE MOON FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS since there is no rain or air on the moon. These imprints are in a way just like a painting which will remain intact for years. However, if some other country’s Moon vehicle lands on South Pole in future especially at the same site then these imprints will definitely be either damaged by the new imprints of another Rover or may will take other form. A face book friend Bhaskar Joshi has this opinion. However, he has asked to throw much light on what he said whether his version is correct or not by the physics experts or scientists associated with this mission ?

The ISRO chief S. Somanath is highly enthusiastic after the successful landing of Chandrayaan and has already expressed his high optimism of this project meeting most of the scientific objectives of this mission adding – I understand that all the scientific data is looking very good. But we will continue to measure a lot from the moon during the coming 14 days . He added that we are highly optimistic of making good breakthroughs in Science while doing so. The next days within two weeks would be very exciting in terms of the experiments etc on the South Pole of the moon said Somanath, chairman ISRO on the day PM visited their headquarter at Bengaluru.

Meanwhile the Indian Space Research Organisation revealed that on 2 nd September, 2023 after Chandrayaan 3’s outstanding success on 23 rd August , it’s launching ISRO’s first space based Indian Observatory to study the Sun from Shriharikota at 11.50 hours inviting citizens to witness the historic launch from the Launch view gallery. According to former veteran ISRO scientist now retired rendering decades of service to ISRO Nambi Narayanan Aditya L1 mission is really a very good and futuristic project emphasizing that it is a study project which will deeply study sun from the distance of 15 lakh kilometres.

ये प्रज्ञान रोवर के ट्रैक्स (पहियों के इंप्रिट) हैं चंद्रमा के साउथ पॉल के सर्फेस पर … मेरे विचार से ये निशान हजारों हजार सालों तक ऐसे ही रहेंगे क्योंकि चांद पर ना हवा है ना ही वहां बरसात होती है, इसलिए इंटैक्ट रहेंगे और इसपर बने शेप के धूल का एक कण भी इधर से उधर नहीं होगा, ऐसे समझ लो जैसे पेंटिंग कर दी हो वह भी इतने पक्के कलरों से जो कभी भी फेड नहीं होंगे …! हां यदि कोई अन्य स्पेस क्राफ्ट एक्जैक्ट इसी लोकेशन पर उतरे और उसका रोवर प्रगान के ट्रैक के ऊपर से रोल ओवर करे तो निश्चित ही प्रज्ञान के द्वारा बनाए गए ट्रैक के चिन्ह या तो कतई खत्म हो जाएंगे या थोड़े बहुत ही बच पाएंगे …!

क्यों ऐसा ही होगा ना, कोई फिजिक्स का एक्सपर्ट अथवा साइंटिस्ट कृपया ज्ञान वृद्धि करे ? बीजे …!

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