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Poster campaign of Indian Youth Congress against rising inflation, petrol diesel and gas cylinder prices across the country.

New Delhi, 11 April 2022:

Indian Youth Congress today launched a poster campaign against the BJP led NDA government against rising inflation, petrol-diesel and gas cylinder prices across the country. The president of Indian Youth Congress, Shri Srinivas BV while criticising the saffron party government said that the burden of inflation is increasing incessantly, ever since the elections are over, commencing the people’s bad days, breaking the already broken backbone of the poor, middle and lower middle class of the country. While addressing the IYC activists Sriniwas BC added that the government, intoxicated by power, is only engaged in doing good for its own self and its friends rather carrying for the countrymen.

They does not see the miseries of the people, nor are they concerned about their basic issues, burning grievances said IYC chief Sriniwas. Blaming the ruling political dispensation for skyrocketing inflation he added that the real reason behind the fire in oil prices is well understood and the government should unambiguously understand that by repeatedly blaming others for its own failure, the stains on the arm will not be dusted out. The trust and confidence of the countrymen is gradually being eroded thus the saturation point of inflation crossing its limit with suffering people saying now It more than enough.

Accusing the BJP top leadership for betraying the countrymen of giving a false slogan of Good Days the Indian Youth Congress chief said that the poor, down troddens, middle and lower middle class of the country is now constrained to pay the price for their wholehearted support to the saffron party. Whatever reason the government may put forth regarding inflation, the real reason is known by every citizen of the country said Sriniwas . Petrol, diesel, gas prices have become unbridled as soon as they are freed from electoral control added IYC chief . The people of the country have understood the BJP’s chronology of inflation and now the public does not understand that when the price of crude oil has decreased by about 26.42% in the international market, then why the prices of petrol and diesel are increasing continuously in the country. There is no other reason behind the ever-increasing inflation, but the greed of the government he asserted.

The Youth Congress activists are seen speaking with folded hands in front of the posters requesting the Union Minister of Petroleum n Natural Gas to please have mercy on countrymen and reduce the prices touching uncontrollable heights.

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