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PM Modi speaks to Uttarakhand CM Dhami and assured of total central support in safely evacuating the 41 trapped workers in Silkyara tunnel

The prime minister Narendra Modi today spoke to the chief minister of Uttarakhand Pushkar Singh Dhami over telephone to enquire about the developments in connection with the latest safety measures being undertaken by the state government to rescue 41 labourers stuck inside the Silkyara Daandalgaon tunnel, Uttarkashi after a portion of it broke and its tons of debris came down blocking the staff of the Company involved in the tunnel project. Today is the eight / ninth day of their being stuck there with the BRO, NDRF, SDRF, local police ONGC, Railways and several other companies busy in the evacuation work but of no avail.

However, under the guidance of an American expert Chartered Engineer cum drilling expert Mr. Cooper the drilling of a vertical alternative tunnel ( passage) has been commenced since yesterday which may take 4-5 days to reach to the stucked forty one labourers inside the tunnel.

While speaking to the Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, the prime minister Narendra Modi has talked in detail trying to be enquire about the action taken report and aslo assured him about the central government’s fullest assistance.

He directed the CM to leave no stone unturned to ensure that the trapped workers are rescued at the earliest.

On the other hand the chief minister has again repeated that their priority is to rescue the trapped workers at the earliest.

Yesterday the Roads and National Highways Authority of India’s Union Minister Nitin Gadkari had visited the accident site at Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi and monitored the rescue operation for quite some time speaking to and guiding the rescue and engineering teams involved in the job.

According to the CM the work in going on uninterrupted lyrics , on various options and he hopes to achieve success at the earliest.

Meanwhile, the CM had also assured of providing hotel accommodation and all the meals’ facility to the families of the trapped workers who have come at the spot for the last few days.

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