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Games/ Sports


The yesterday’s world Cup match in Narendra Modi stadium at Ahmedabad, Gujarat really broke the hearts of millions of fans of the Indian team, especially about 1.2 lakhs enthusiastic crowd that had assembled here with tremendous amount of confidence in a full merry making mood which included several VVIPs viz prime minister Narendra and union home minister Amit Shah apart from several other celebrities from Bollywood like Shahrukh Khan, Ranbir Singh, Deepika Padukone, Anushka Sharma and wives and relatives of all cricketers including the BCCI secretary general and son of the Union home minister with his entire family n top industrialists like the Ambanies.

There had been adverse comments from several political adversaries against prime minister Narendra Modi’s presence in the stadium named after his own name. The Shiv Sena MP and spokesman Sanjay Raut had said earlier that since the BJP came into power everything is being politicised and political capital derived from it. He said this, while speaking to journalists creating humour about PM Modi visiting the stadium to watch the World Cup Match. An arch BJP and PM Modi’s bete noire vociferous Sanjay Raut had said that even cricket has not been left out of politicization. In Ahmedabad cricket is being politicised as if PM Modiji will bowl and Amit Shah will bat and other remaining political leaders will field in the boundary. This made all the reporters laugh. He added : We will hear that the World Cup had been won by the PM Sir. Something like this is, only happening after the BJP came into power under Modiji said Sanjay Raut a few days ago. Not only this but his another political opponent obviously from Congress, its national social media platform chief vociferous Supriya Shrinate posted a video of PM Modi and union home minister Amit smiling and gossiping in the stadium from audience gallery trying to find fault on their smile and laugh. She wrote on social media platform : Our team is in tears, the nation is heart broken – what is he smiling, so widely about.

Anyway these accusations and counter accusations in politics are order of the day but the fact of the matter is, the prime minister Narendra Modi has shown his greatness by agreeing to present the World Cup to the winning Australian cricket team captain Patric James Cummins amid cheers, though half of the demoralised and disheartened cricket fans in the stadium had left by the time he came on the stage.The Australian captain was extremely indebted and looked towards the prime minister in exuberance till he left the stage to shake hands with the players after presenting him the prestigious World a cup trophy. The PM also met the winning team one by one and congratulated them. He went into the dressing room and met the Indian team to console them. He personally congratulated Mohammed Shami and Jadeja, Patted them and boasted their morale congratulating Shami for taking good number of wickers. Indeed a benevolent gesture.

According to sources the prime minister Narendra Modi and union home minister Amit Shah had come to the stadium in immense optimism of Indian team winning this prestigious cup as the team has displayed tremendous dexterity in winning all the previous matches finally qualifying the semifinal against New Zealand and then entering the final.

Obviously, had the Indian team been the lucky winner of winning this prestigious World Cup in the election year, the prime minister Narendra Modi and home minister Amit Shah would have been the star attractions to present the Indian captain and the entire team the World Cup including posing for photographs, to secure enough political mileage, but unfortunately dashing all hopes of millions of cricket fans and the countrymen this significant opportunity was snatched by the rival dextrous Australian team with prime minister generous and benevolent enough to present the cup to Australian cricket captain on Ahmedabad ground in a stadium named after him.

Such an exuberant event was this for an Australian team and bit demoralising moments for Indian team with several players badly bogged down and Indian captain Rohit Sharma literally weeping in tears.

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