Parents of Kiran Negi and some activists detained and taken to Mandir Marg police station after they protested outside former CJI ‘s residence

Representatives of several organisations held a protest dharna cum demonstration at Jantar Jantar on Sunday demanding revocation of the honourable supreme Court judgement acquitting all the three convicts of Nirbhaya of Najafgarh who was in 2012 obnoxiously gang raped and diabolically killed after being abducted from Qutub Vihar, Najafgarh and, taken to a village precincts in Haryana. Her mutilated dead body was found three days after. The demonstrators and dharna activists include the traumatised parents of the tragic 19 year old victim late Kiran Negi and good number of women, men and youths.
The participants in the protest Dharna also held a meeting in which it was decided to file a curative petition in the Supreme Court which seems to the last judicial option to seek justice for Kiran Negi.

Most of the legal experts and senior advocates whom this journalist contacted and sought their expert opinion are not very much optimistic regarding delivery of due justice to the victim’s traumatised family as they think that since the case has not been legally tackled adequately and with dexterity in the apex court by the counsels of the petitioners and the honourable judges of the three judge bench not replied satisfactorily the protracted case was finally turned down by the apex court after the long hearing of about 8 years after the lower courts viz. the Dwarka Sessions Court granted death sentences to the horrendous killers cum rapists and the High Court further upheld it saying that the culprits deserve even more severe punishment.

However, despite the lower court’s sentencing the judgement was turned down in the apex Court on the plea that the investigations by Delhi Police were full of loopholes and patchy, not adequately producing the witnesses etc including lack of evidences.
But the protestors have a question that if these were not the real culprits as the apex Court had released them scot free on 7 th November, 2022 then where are the real culprits?
They also question in anger that why had the honourable judges of the three judge bench not issued directives to the Delhi Police or some other investigative agency to re investigate the case and find the real culprits to bring them to justice?
There is one more question : If the police is responsible for the patchy investigations then they should be held responsible and punished stringenly but why should the bereaved family suffer who had lost their 19 year old daughter for no fault of hers?
The aggrieved family already in bad shape financially fully scattered and shattered have been running from pillar to post to seek justice but of no avail.
They question : Has the poor no right to justice? They also ask if the same case of the Nirbhaya of running Vasant Vihar bus case yield due justice with her culprits hanged till death, why injustice with the daughter of this country Kiran Negi, whose horrendous culprits are acquitted after ten years of legal pursuance by the poor and hapless parents?
This is a moot question.
Today the aggrieved parents have still not lost hope and are again in the road with their sympathisers who are helping them approach advocates, raise their voice at Jantar Mantar and courting arrests.
On Sunday after the Dharna at Jantar Mantar few protestors along with the parents of late Nirbhaya of Najafgarh went to the residence of the retired former chief justice of India U. U. Lalit who was in the three judge bench and protested demanding justice for their daughter as the previous three judge bench led by him had revoked the case acquitting all the culprits on the loose and weak investigations by Delhi Police.
He had retired the same evening. The Delhi police arrested late Kiran Negi’s parents and other activists taking them to the Mandir Marg police station being released in the evening.
It may be recalled that three review petitions were filed after the three convicts were acquitted – by the father of late Kiran Negi, Kunwar Singh Negi, Uttarakhand Lok Manch, Uttarakhand Bachao Andolan and an anti rape activist Yogita Bayana. However, these three petitions too were rejected on the grounds of them holding no significance etc.

Now, the aggrieved party is left with only one last option of filing a curative petition in Supremes Court within thirty days of the dismissal of review petitions.
In the evening a meeting of representatives of various social organisations of Uttarakhand active in Delhi was held by Uttarakhand Chintan, to involve them cumulatively in future actions, legal and social to seek justice for Kiran Negi.
A Sanchalan Samittee was formed and a new organisation namely National Justice forum was also formed to fight issues of women safety and distress in future including helping in getting them due justice legally and socially. The founder of Uttarakhand Clinton Suresh Nautiyal moderated the proceedings of this meeting.