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Delhi newsUttrakhand

Panel number two led by Surat Singh Rawat wins outrightly as president. The hidden saffron party backed panel loses badly in Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha elections

The much awaited results of the prestigious elections of the largest social organisation of Garhwalies in Delhi have been declared with the opposition panel number 2 winning hands down with a good majority.

This victory of panel number two precisely is the defeat of the outgoing ruling panel number one led by Ajay Bisht considered to be the panel oriented and sponsered indirectly by the saffron party, believe it or not.

The outgoing panel of Ajay Bisht had been credited for organising the centenary celebrations of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha, a historic event but according to the voters lot of money was spend on it.

The members of Garhwal Hitenshini Sabha complained of vulgar ostentation and alleged misuse of funds for being flamboyant and instead of keeping the collected fund reserved for the welfare of Garhwal Bhawan wasting it to flamboyantly expose themselves, which wasn’t the need of the hour.

Moreover, the outgoing body represented by the panel number one despite its several claims of achievements couldn’t make its place in the hearts of the electorates of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha as the president of the organisation was more centric to finding roles for himself in Uttarakhand films, promoting one of his NGO and other events not giving the impression of being people centric. Above all despite of his several good programmes for the good of the Uttarakhand society he couldn’t prove to be worth deserving.

Ajay Bisht though being a good orator, actor and a social activist couldn’t prove his worth to the best reasons beyond anyone’s guess. The total votes polled in the election of GHS till 5.00 PM were 1635 against 1700 votes polled three years ago. There are in all 4600 life members in Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha.

According to the latest results the present panel number one has lost on all top posts giving an unambiguous impression that a panel supported and sponsored by the saffron party has lost tremendously with electorates giving a rebuff to them for their not only inefficiency, incapability, biased attitude and being too close to the saffron party by usually garlanding the low level leader of BJP but has also not proved their worth to be honest office bearers.

According to the latest final results results the out going president Ajay Bisht of panel number won lost to Surat Singh Rawat of Panel number two by 123 votes securing 745 votes against 868 by winning candidate Surat Singh of Panel number two. Forty votes have become invalid during the counting. For the general secretary post Pawan Kumar Maithani of Panel number two registered a good victory by securing 906 votes defeating Anil Pant of Panel number 1 securing 701 votes. In the list of Vice president Shailendra Singh Negi of Panel number 2 has won by securing 914 votes defeating his nearest rival , Bishan Singh Rana by 215 votes who got just 699 votes.

On the posts of Secretary, Treasurer,Deputy treasurer, organising secretary and Secretaries Culture, Literature, and sports all the office bearers of panel number one have lost to panel number 2. The results of the central executive of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha were being awaited till the time of writing of this news though the trend unambiguously indicated regarding the victory of the panel number two in majority of the seats of central executive.

The outgoing president of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha and the defeated candidate for the post of president from panel 1 Ajay Bisht has expressed his best wishes to the newly elected panel of Surat Singh Rawat and Pawan Maithani assuring of his full cooperation in the near future for the good of the GHS.

Losing and winning are the two faces of the same coin.Never lose hearts, God has actually given you space for bigger responsibilities. Hope for the best always. Only fighters lose. Keep the spirit up. The future is yours. : Sunil Negi

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