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Pandemic deaths, a horrible situation

We are literary on the brink of disaster having lost nearly 250000 human beings due to deadly Covid 19 in a year’s time though it is a hard and bitter fact that the unreported figure of Covid 19 fatalities could have enhanced this tragic figure multiply. Never after tragic cholera tragedy in the country has India witnessed such a widespread death sequence at the pan India level due to dreaded Covid 19 at an uncontrollable spate despite every promise  at the governmental levels to control it and provide relief to countrymen. This most tragic second wave killing people at the rate of more than 4,192 during the last 24 hours, a record for the first time, with more than 4 lakh Covid 19 infections has not only terrified the governments at the centre and the state but has also terrorised our countrymen constantly losing their close family members, near and dear ones and those in their close proximity emotionally.

The vaccine is in shortage compelling people run from pillar to posts to get the first n second doze, Covid 19 patients allegedly dying of shortage of oxygen cylinders,. Not able to buy them on exorbitant prices and adequate medical treatment finally compelling the honourable Supreme and High Courts to intervene issuing stringent directives to the union government and bureaucrats to supply adequate ( 700 metric tons Oxygen) to national capital on daily basis.

It unambiguously seems that there is medical and administrative chaos every where with Covid 19 patients especially those seriously ill in extreme jeopardy worried if they will live or die of Covid 19. A horrible situation indeed.

The last 24 hour surge in infections taking the Covid 19 toll to 4192 and adding more than 4 lakh cases has infact wreaked havoc and over burdening of health systems in almost every state of the country including at the central level.

What is more shocking is the bitter hard fact that since the day of commencement of pandemic till date about 238, 293 people have succumbed to this dreaded pandemic bringing India on third critical position after USA and Brazil globally.

This single day toll has equalled to the US tragedy in a single day considered to be the highest in the world. The situation is worst in Maharashtra  among all the states of the country which witnessed 898 deaths in a single day on Friday followed by Karnataka ( 592), Uttar Pradesh (372), Delhi, (341) and Chattisgarh (208). The point is who’s to be blamed for these rapid surge in Covid 19 cases ? The elections in five states, Mahakumbh of Haridwar or relaxation in Lock down with people violating Covid 19 norms on massive scale ? Massive vaccination n its procurement is the only alternative in this regard say experts. What’s your take friends ?

Pic : The Japan Times

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