Harish Rawat comes down heavily on MP and BJP chief Bhatt. Go back Ritu Khanduri with black flags compelled the speaker to return back mid way in Garhwal

After the all round boycott of the finance and parliamentary affairs minister in Uttarakhand now the annoyed and furious Uttarakhand people have started boycotting the Kotdwar MLA and Assembly speaker Ritu Khanduri for not taking any action against Aggrawal and rather protecting him including showing doors to the Badrinath Congress MLA Lakhpat Singh Butola who had yesterday outrightly raised his voice and condemned in strongest words the indecent abusive remarks of the minister in the assembly.

Today in Garhwal Uttarakhand extremely furious people, youths and women broke the police barricades and raised go back go back Ritu Khanduri slogans confronting the police showing black flags compelling her to cancel her programmes and return back to Dehradun.
According to the latest news and a video posted in social media good number of youths, women and villagers broke the police barricades and ran towards her raising black flags and rasing Ritu Khanduri go slogans impelling her to return back.
It may be recalled that in entire Uttarakhand there have been protests and effigy burning of the parliamentary affairs minister Prem Chandra Aggrawal for abusing the Pahadies in the assembly and literally saying that “Sale Pahadies Kya Uttarakhand Inhee ka Hai”. Apart from this instead of seeking apologies he is still trying to vindicate his stand.
The Haridwar MP Trivendra Singh Rawat also took strong exception of the statement of the finance and parliamentary affairs minister of Uttarakhand Mr. Aggrawal saying that it is completely derogatory, irresponsible, and indecent statement from the mouth of a responsible minister and former speaker and he thinks that the annoyance and anger of Uttarakhadies on his attitude is completely acceptable as nobody gave him the right to denigrate a community. He should rather have accepted in all humility about his blunder and have sought public apologies by now said Haridwar MP Trivendra Singh Rawat.
The Congress leader and MLA Harish Dhami and Harish Rawat has strongly criticized him and the former opposition leader Pritam Singh has said that he will not attend the house till the erring minister is asked to resign or he seeks public apology.
Meanwhile the former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat has criticised the Uttarakhand BJP chief and MP Mahendra Bhatt for accusing the Congress of dividing Uttarakhand on the basis of Pahadi verses plains.
He strongly condemned the statement saying #Mahendra_Bhatt ji, stop making false allegations against Congress. It is your party, it is your leaders who are trying to divide Uttarakhand and hurting Uttarakhandiyat.
In a lengthy post in Hindi in his Facebook account Harish Rawat wrote: You first hurt the culture of Uttarakhand by removing the then land law and making the buying and selling of land an open deal.
The second injury you caused by continuously insulting #non-civilization and non-civilization.
The third injury you did to our #culture and our family values was by imposing #live_in_relationship law so that our institution called family gets destroyed.
Now this is the fourth decisive blow you have inflicted in this assembly session by addressing the #MLAs as drunkards and the society in a disgusting manner.
Your propaganda machinery cannot divert the hurt caused to the hearts of the people. This is an attack on the heart of Uttarakhand’s struggle and sacrifice. Hurt #Uttarakhand is expressing its anger with a surprised expression.
From Narsan to Makhoba, from Jaipur to Jolingkong, it is being said that in the initial days of the struggle for the statehood movement, we have said in a united voice that neither #pahari-nor-plain, Garhwali-Kumauni Dagedi, we are Uttarakhandi.
Today, with the fusion and harmony of different cultures in this region of the Himalayas, we are moving towards a new direction and #Uttarakhandiyat is becoming our national and international identity.

By taking one step after another, your party has hurt our progressive steps, hurt our emotional unity, which cannot be forgiven. Now the matter is not limited to changing the ministry of the culprit or removing him from the work advisory. Both #ruling power and #opposition will have to explain the pain of Uttarakhand. It is necessary to punish the culprit decisively.
I also want to call upon my party, being a top party of the state, to come forward strongly in this painful moment.
The party should call a meeting of its Political Affairs Committee and present a collective road map before the people of the state said veteran Congress leader Rawat.