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Delhi news

Our struggle will continue unabatedly says Sakshi Malik. Wrestlers won’t be allowed to protest at Jantar Mantar says Delhi police. Olympians Bindra and Neeraj Chopra come in support of protesting wrestlers.

My heartiest gratitude to all our countrymen who supported us till now. Our movement has not come to halt. We are not going to accept defeat in our fight for justice. We'll let you know about our future plans shortly tweeted Sakshi Malik.

The protesting wrestlers at Jantar Mantar who had been evicted from their protest site of 38 days, allegedly thrashed and forcibly lifted and arrested with several cases lodged against them on charges of rioting and destruction to public property etc are planning for their next phase of action unambiguously in the confrontationist mode with the government till their demands are not met forthwith.

After May 28 th incident of their confrontation with the police after their tents were evicted and they arrested forcibly while peacefully endeavouring to march towards the new parliament House with cases under severe sections lodged against them, the protesting wrestlers Bajrang Punia, Sakshi Malik, Vinesh Phogat etc who are leading the movement said that the way they have been mistreated despite their protest being peaceful and cases against several sections of IPC lodged clearly reflects that the wrestlers are their ultimate target.

The deputy commissioners of police Mr Tayal said that wrestlers who were peacefully protesting earlier at Jantar Mantar turned aggressive forcing the police to take action. They will not be allowed to protest again at Jantar Mantar followed by the statement of the Special Police Commissioner Deependra Pathak no allowing them to protest at Jantar Mantar in the near future.

Meanwhile, Sakshi Malik, Rio Olympics bronze winner who is in the forefront of the wrestlers’ movement posted a video in her Twitter handle and appealed to all to stand with them solidly blaming the Delhi Police for lodging FIR against them under severe sections despite they being peaceful and doing nothing to damage property or involved in rioting etc.

She said that our supporters are still taking refuge at various places including Gurudwaras. We are planning to move forward and carry our struggle to its logical conclusion said Sakshi Malik in her video loaded on Twitter.

She also tweeted in Hindi : My heartiest gratitude to all our countrymen who supported us till now. Our movement has not come to halt. We are not going to accept defeat in our fight for justice. We’ll let you know about our future plans shortly tweeted Sakshi Malik.

Some other international Olympians also came in open support of the protesting wrestlers after the deplorable incident happened with them on May 28 th, at Jantar Mantar.

They also posted the video showing the wrestlers lying on the ground surrounded by police personnel etc.

In a tweet Indian Olympics Gold medallist in shooting Abhinav Bindra was quoted by the BBC in its tweet : The pictures of the wrestlers was ” NEED UDAANE WALI “, COULDN’T SLEEP. THE WHOLE NIGHT said Abhinav.

Neeraj Chopra,PVSM, CVSM, Javelin Silver medalist in Olympics n Gold winner in Asian Games tweeted enclosing the tweet of Sakshi Malik. He wrote : I am deeply anguished to see all this. There has to be a better way to deal with all this tweeted Neeraj Chopra Olympian.

First women wrestler winner of Gold medals in both Commonwealth and Asian games Vinesh Phogat one of the leading organisers of the Jantar Mantar Dharna also tweeted in Hindi :

The Delhi Police takes 7 days in lodging FIR against Brijbhushan Sharan Singh who has allegedly sexual assaulted women wrestlers and against us without our any fault it takes just 7 hours to lodge FIR for doing peaceful protest. Has dictatorship commenced in this country? Whole world is witnessing as to what conduct the government is doing with the sportsman. A new history is being scripted tweeted Vinesh Phogat.

On of the twitterati as hundreds of other namely Abhimanyu Kumar posted the pictures of the confrontation between the wrestlers and police in good number – writing in Hindi : This has also been registered in history. The day parliament was being inaugurated the same day the modesty of our daughters and sisters were being razed. Now, a father will think hundred times before sendung their daughters to AKHADAS. THE LIMITED NUMBER OF MEDALS which used to come till now in Olympics, have now come under a huge question mark tweeted Abhimany K…

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