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One of the killer had 2611 number of his bike having purchased it by paying Rs. 5000 extra. It was on 26 Nov that tragic Mumbai attack took place !

One of the murderers of a tailor in Udaipur Kanaihya lal, Riyaz Attari had links with the ISI and Pakistan’s terrorists who was in constant touch with them, and was also allegedly disseminating information to instigate others for anti national acts. Both the murderers have links with Pakistani religious movement Dawat-e- Islami said news being relayed. One of the culprits had also been to Karachi in 2014. What was peculiar about Riyaz was that his motorbike that was bought by him in 2013 had 2611 number, which was especially purchased by paying Rs. 5000 extra. It was on this date 26/11 date, that deadly Mumbai attacks that claimed about 160 lives in a Mumbai Taj hotel by Pakistani terrorists took place. According to the latest news both the terrorists who’d been arrested also had links with obnoxious anti social elements in other states actively involved in provoking other through social media associated with several whatsapp groups under investigation. On Wednesday the Union home ministry had directed the NIA to take the charge of this sensitive case in their hands and have already started indepth investigations into the murder of Udaipur tailor Kanaihiya Lal case, executed by two cleaver wielding culprits Riyaz and Ghaus Mohammed against whom FIR had already been registered under the Unlawful Activities ( Prevention) Act and also under various, sections of Indian Penal Act. Meanwhile, there have been tremendous demand from across the country to stringently punish both these assassins of Kanaihiyal Lal by a cleaver, ( no less than public hanging) and thereafter posting the video of this obnoxious act in social media unambiguously exhibiting that they are least worried about the severe consequences thereafter for the said broad daylight murder. Meanwhile, according to the latest news three persons have been arrested in connection with this case and ten already rounded up. About thirty two police officers have been transferred in Rajasthan. The Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot has assured that the culprits will get the harshest of the punishment at the earliest. The murderers arrested from Rajsamand Rajasthan have been jailed in Ajmer high security prison.

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