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On the initiative and serious complaint of Apple man of Uttarakhand and Guiness Record holder Gopal Upreti, FIR lodged against suspended Horticulture Director Dr. Baweja under various sections of IPC

The difficulties of suspended Horticulture Director Dr. Harminder Singh Baweja are increasing. Gopal Upreti, a progressive farmer from Almora, has lodged an FIR against Baweja. Gopal Upreti accused HS Baweja and Sanjay Murari of maligning his image and implicating him in a false case. Upreti had also submitted a complaint letter to the DGP in this regard, after which an FIR has been lodged against Baweja at Ranikhet police station.

Gopal Upreti had complained that Baweja had implicated him in a false and fabricated case. Sanjay Murari of Baweja and Champawat falsely accused Upreti that he had fraudulently got 22 nali land in her name.

Apart from this, Upreti was also accused of siphoning off Rs 9.60 lakh from forged documents under the Apple Mission.

But in the investigation it was found that Gopal Upreti neither committed any forgery nor got the land transferred in his name in a fraudulent manner.

On the complaint of Upreti, a case has been registered against Baweja and Murari in Ranikhet police station under section 120-B of criminal conspiracy, section 420 of cheating, section 467, 468 and section 471 of tampering with documents.

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