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The former speaker of Lok Sabha Om Birla has been re elected as the speaker of 18 th Lok Sabha. The prime minister Narendra Modi has proposed the name of Om Birla for speaker ship of the 18 th Lok Sabha which was unanimously ( voice vote) okayed by the MPs of National Democratic Alliance. The prime minister Narendra Modi has congratulated Om Birla for having been elected speaker if Lok Sabha with a voice vote. The PM said he congratulated the entire house. We are fully confident that you wi guide us during the incoming five years. The sweet smile in your face always keeps everyone in good humour adding that your re election as speaker of 18th Lok Sabha has also become a record in itself. Lauding the nature and qualities of speaker OM Birla Prime minister reiterated that you will continue to guide us during the forthcoming five years. He said in our Shastras it has been categorically written that a soft spoken, kind hearted and affable person is always successful in his life adding that as Balram Jakhad has repeated twice you too have made a record by repeating as speaker for the second term. The Congress leader and leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi also congratulated Lok Sabha speaker Balram Jakhar on his re-election saying that the government has numbers but the opposition too has a credible voice of the people. Rahul said in democracy it is utmostly essential that the opposition should also be given sufficient opportunity to raise its voice. Since the opposition wanted to extend its full cooperation we are hopeful that you will give ample opportunities to the opposition to raise its voice in parliament said Rahul Gandhi while congratulating new second term speaker Om Birla. The Samajwadi party leader with the maximum MPs standing third in the row in Lok Sabha Akhilesh Yadav heartily congratulated Om Birla on his election as speaker Lok Sabha for the second term assuring of his full cooperation but also expecting in all humility that the opposition bloc n the MPs will get full respect and opportunity to raise their voice in the lower house. The prime minister had proposed the name of OM Birla for the speaker’s post supported by JD ( U) MP lallan Singh, Anupriya Patel, Chirag Paswan and all the supporting partners of the NDA including 240 BJP members. The Congress party led India alliance has proposed the name of eight time MP from Kerala K. Suresh.

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