Uttarakhand cultural evening and traditional delicacies at Press Club was a grand success

A grand cultural evening with Uttarakhand’s traditional delicacies was organised at the Press Club of India precincts on Friday evening with the former Maharashtra governor and former CM Uttarakhand Bhagat Singh Koshiyari being the chief guest.

A seminar on environmental safeguards in Uttarakhand was also organised on this ocassion. The mesmerising event was organised by Amar Sandesh with the support of Press Club of India.

The programme commenced with lighting of the lamp by the chief guest Bhagat Singh Koshiyari, former governor, Maharashtra, eminent social figure of Uttarakhand K.C.Pandey, Dr. Hari Suman Bisht, literateur and author, Sunil Negi, Director Press Club of India, Editor UK Nation News, Amar Chand, editor Amar Sandesh, Chandra Mohan Papnei , P.C.Nailwal, former CPRO to CM Uttarakhand, president Parvatiya Kala Kendra, Rattan Singh former Commissioner( Investigations) IT , Mani Dhaundiyal, Sylven chef chief, Haripal Rawat Congress leader, renowned enterpreneur and social figure of Uttarakhand T.S.Bhandari, Kulanand Joshi , senior officer in Delhi government , Khushal Singh Rawatji, artist and social activist ( Retd), Gajendra Chouhan, B.S.Negi, Director, Uttarakhand films etc.

The event was mesmerising as several folk artists of Jaunsari, Garhwal and Kumaon region presented their melodious songs and dances and impressed one and all. Several prominent singers of Uttarakhand including Asha Negi, Bhuvan Rawat and others sang melodious songs and made them dance to their mesmerising voice and music.

Speaking in the ocassion the former governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshiyari lauded Amar Sandesh and Press club for organising such an important mesmerising evening but said that apart from culture we also need to protect our environment by planting as much as trees we can and restarting cultivation as majority of the agricultural farms in Uttarakhand are not being ploughed due to large scale migration to cities, towns and metropolises with villages becoming vacant and wild animals destroying the remaining cultivated farmlands.
The eminent literateur and author Dr.Harisuman Bisht expressing his serious concern over the degrading environment and ecology of Uttarakhand said that while development of the hills is necessary but it can’t be at the cost of our degrading environment as during the construction of roads trees are being cut on massive scale and silt, muck etc being thrown mercilessly in the smoothly running rivers making them badly polluted and obstructing the smooth flow etc.

He expressed his immense concern over building of resorts on river sides in large numbers and creating havoc by polluting the smoothly running rivers and becoming victims during flash floods etc.
Dr.Kulanand Joshi too expressed his serious concern over the illegal mining on massive scale in Uttarakhand literally robbing our minerals in large scale and spoiling the ecology including making the already fragile mountains hollow from inside by drilling and constructing tunnels after tunnels. He said Uttarakhand is under Zone 5 prone to tectonic upheavals and earthquakes.

( A leading folk singer Bhuvan Da performing at Press Club of India )
Therefore there is an urgent need to stop playing with the nature in the name of rapid development in the Himalayan Hills asserted Joshi.
The Press Club of India president Gautam Lahiri also enjoyed the Uttarakhand traditional delicacies by joining fellow Uttarakhandies and extended his fullest cooperation in making this event successful.
Several prominent personalities including D.S Bajeli, eminent journalist film critics, entrepreneur and renown se cial figure K.C.Pandey, Bollywood actor Govind Pandey, PC Nailwal, former CPRO to Uttarakhand CM, Dr.Harisuman Bisht, Sunil Negi, Kushal Singh Rawat, Pushpa Joshi, Gopal Upreti, Guiness book record holder, sr. JOURNO Charu Tiwari, Mani Dhaundiyal, artists were also felicitated with a shawl by the chief guest Koshiyari. The event was ably anchored by Pushpa Joshi , author and literateur.
The eminent cultural organisation of Uttarakhand in Delhi founded by legendary artists Mohan Upreti and his wife Naima Upreti currently led by Chandra Mohan Papnai, played a pivotal role by its prestigious teams performance winning the hearts of audience to the core. A very impressive and memorable performance of dance and folk song and music was presented by the artists of Parvatiya Kala Kendra, a cultural institution renowned at national and international level, under the direction of Dr. Govind Pandey, music direction of Virendra Negi ‘Rahi’ and Babita Pandey and choreographed by Chandra Bisht.
The Uttarakhand’s delicacies were prepared by Pahadi Gharat owned by Mr.Chauhan.