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Delhi news

NJF members and parents of late Kiran Negi meet veteran lawyer Satish Tamta at his High Court chamber, Delhi

On the initiative of the National Justice Forum the traumatised parents of the Nirbhaya of Najafgarh Kiran Negi – Kunwar Singh Negi n her mother on Tuesday met the renowned criminal lawyer Satish Tamta and urged him to file a curative petition in the honourable Supreme Court to seek justice for their 19 year old daughter late Kiran Negi who was diabolically killed after obnoxious gang rape in the month of February 2012 and her horrendous killers given benefit of doubt acquitting them on 7 November 2022 by the three judge bench of Apex Court due to patchy investigations having several loop holes etc.

After detailed discussion and hearing to the woes of the aggrieved parents of late Kiran Negi, the senior criminal lawyer Satish Tamata in principal agreed to fight this case and file a curative petition in the apex Court. However, he asked the assisting advocates B. S. Negi and others to arrange the necessary records, FIRs, judgements’ copies etc at the earliest to expedite the case.

The aggrieved parents of late Kiran Negi who had been struggling hard for the last more than a decade narrated their awful tale and grievances citing the case of Nirbhaya of running Vasant Vihar case saying while her four dreaded culprits were brought to justice within few years because of the massive outrage in Delhi and at pan India level but they had been deprived of due justice despite the culprits getting capital punishment from the lower courts. After hearing the parents and other members of National Justice Forum the senior criminal lawyer having more than four decades of professional experience said that the law and judiciary runs on concrete evidences keeping a side the emotional angle.

While, expressing his, sympathy with the bereaved family senior lawyer Tamta, said that lot needs to be done regarding preparation in this case, this being a last and final option urging lawyers assisting him to arrange for the necessary mandatory documents etc for pursuance of the case more effectively as per the legal requirements. Apart from the parents of Kiran Negi, others present during the discussion were Pratap Shahi, who initiated this case, advocate B. S. Negi, ( associated with Kiran Negi case in earlier hearings with counsel Ms Kaur) in Dwarka sessions Court, Mahavir Singh Farswan, Advocate, Lakshmi Negi, Vinod Rawat, Mundepiji, Kamal Dhyani, Jagdish Bhatt, Sunil Negi, Yogita Bhayana, etc. Since activist and sr journalist Suresh Nautiyal had to urgently go to his hometown, therefore couldn’t make it. The interaction was quite fruitful and the case need to be pursued vigorously said the senior criminal advocate Satish Tamata to seek justice for Kiran Negi.

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