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Nine die in a tragic accident in Okhalkanda, Uttarakhand when a pickup fell down in an 800 meters’ gorge

A severe tragic accident has, occurred today in Uttarakhand claiming nine lives sending shock waves in entire Uttarakhand. According to b the latest news a pickup van has started during morning hours from Okhalkanda’s Patlot area to Haldwani in which 11 passengers were travelling. At Chidakhan after covering a, distance of few metres the van fell down in 800 metres deep gorge after the speeding vehicle couldn’t be controlled by the driver. The accident occurred after the vehicle hit a speeding motorbike injuring the the rider as well. Initially six people died on the spot but later on three others died taking the toll to ten. The severely injured were brought with the help of the locals on the road and there after to the Okhalkanda health centre. Till now only two are safe though injured out of total eleven. The villagers were extremely furious and were complaining about the relief operations and medical support reaching after two hours. Accidents in Uttarakhand have become a common affair with fatal accidents occurring in every three days, sometimes on alternative days.

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