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New Parliament building built at the cost of 971 crores to be inaugurated by PM on 28 th May and to be boycotted by 21 opposition party leaders !

Tomorrow on 28 th May, a new Indian Parliament built within two and a half years indigenously with a budget of Rs. 971 crores by Tata Projects Ltd on the initiative of prime minister Narendra Modi will be inaugurated by him, not by the president of India Mam Draupadi Murmu raising immense controversy with 21 opposition parties boycotting the inauguration ceremony and BJP least worried.

The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party and the NDA partners will be participating in this historic inaugural function of a new parliament built after 96 years since the old parliament was constructed by the British colonial rule and inaugurated by the then Viceroy Lord Irvin in 1927 levelling the Raisinha hills.

28 th May will definitely be a historic day for Bhartiya Janata Party and its NDA partners who’ll be present at the venue of inauguration of this new triangular magnificent parliament building considered to be the first Indian parliament built indigenously using Indian technology.

The opposition of this significant inaugural function by the 21 non BJP opposition parties to register their protest against Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurating it , not the president Draupadi Murmu by boycotting this significant event – is being highlighted tremendously in Indian media as well as by media abroad.

There are different perceptions and opinions among people in the country about construction of this new parliament. Some asking as to what was the need to do so when the we already had the old parliament and some talking in favour of this new construction terming it as a welcome initiative to get rid of the parliament built by the British colonialists, going old and outdated.

There are others who are charging the NDA government of wasting huge public exchequer which was not the dire need of the hour, especially after traumatic and challenging Covid times with our economy already in doldrums.

The outstanding circled parliament designed by British Architects Edwin Lutyens and Herbart Baker built by the British in 1927 at the cost of Rs 83 lakhs saw several historical events right from their own rule to India attaining independence in 1947 and bloody Indo Pakistan division etc.

This parliament was also witnessed to historic Independence of India from colonial Britishers and first prime minister of Independent India delivering his historical address to the nation ” FREEDOM AT MIDNIGHT, including attacks by pro Pakistan terrorists inside parliament precincts a rarest of the rare invasion taking lives of nine people that included 6 Delhi security personnel, one gardener and two parliament security personnel in which five terrorists are kiled.

After 1947 till date May 27 , the previous parliament building had total 489 Lok Sabha seats and members and 17.3 crore voters nationally ( in 1947) whereas currently it had 543 Like Sabha Members and total electorates being 95 crores where as the new parliament building has the seating capacity of 888 Lok Sabha seats and 384 Rajya Sabha seats. About 65000 workers were involved in its construction during the last 28 months working day and night.

In addition to this, for the joint session of parliament – the Lok Sabha Hall already has the seating arrangements for 1272 persons, that include the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members too.

Special arrangements have been made for the ministers of the government in new parliament by constructing 92 well studded hi tech rooms for them. What is extra speciality of the new parliament is that it has 17000 square meters extra space than the previous parliament building.

The construction of the new parliament has been executed by TATA Projects limited and was started on 10 December, 2020. Since the BJP led NDA government came to power in 2014 the prime minister Narendra Modi laid special emphasis on getting large sized Sardar Patel ‘s statue constructed in Gujarat at the gigantic cost of Rs. 3000 crores.

The budget for this project was spent by the Gujarat government. Later on prime minister gave his green signal to the overambitious Central Vista project worth Rs. 608 crores. The central Vista project will be completed by 2026 that includes renovation of entire Kartavya Path, the new splendid house of prime minister and Vice President near North n South Block including central ministry complex etc.

The old North and South blocks built during British era will be converted into museum and the present vice president’s house will be razed to ground. In addition the prime minister got a magnificent statue of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose installed in a canopy near India gate where once erected the statue of King George, emperor. The shining national Bronze emblem fitted on the top of parliament at the centre will weigh 9500 kg and would be unique.

Meanwhile a petition filed in Supreme Court by advocate Jaya Sukin has also been rejected by the two judge bench which had challenged the inauguration of parliament by prime minister Narendra Modi not by the president of India.

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