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Need of the hour is to proactively save the lives of people during critical pandemic times


In this hour of great human tragedy, all of us should act as responsible citizens. Our Constitution provides for the Judicial review of Legislative and Administrative actions. There is no doubt that both judiciary and the government’s of the day have the responsibilities towards citizens in this hour of crisis. But the actions of the popularly elected governments must be respected by its citizens.The GNCTD Amendment Act 2021 the union government mandated primacy to the centrally appointed Lieutenant Governor and made the elected government subsidiary. Though The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India pronounced its judgement in 2018 saying that Lieutenant Governor had no indepedent decision making power and was bound to follow the aid and advice of the Delhi CM heading the council of ministers of government of Delhi in all matters except those pertaining to police and public order together with the usage land the verdict was positively received almost unanimously by politicians from multiple parties.

But at the same time, there is a need for our governments to be proactive in saving lives and hardship to the people.
Right to Life is granted by the Article 21 of our Constitution as Fundamental Right. In the light of the above, governments must vaccinate all its citizens on a war footing.

First COVID wave mostly affected the mortality amongst senior citizens and the second wave saw young men and women also succumbing to the disease and the much talked about third wave is believed to wreak havoc on children as target.
It is a sincere request to the states and the centre government to join hands and vaccinate all citizens of India irrespective of their age group.

Chief Ministers of some states categorically urged the PM of India unanimously to set up oxygen plants in good numbers to cope with the need of the states. According to the Health Ministry, 2.5% of Indian citizens have got both doses of vaccination while 9.3% have got a single jab as of May 16. TheThis data shows an enormous task ahead for the country, that is, to vaccinate remaining 97% of our population. The Central Government should procure from overseas vaccine makers and manufacture vaccines in India and distribute them to states for vaccinating all its citizens.

The Centre must also urge states to create meaningful healthcare systems which serves all the people residing in their respective states. Private-Public partnership is required to convert community centres, schools and banquets to Covid care centres.
The news of third wave of COVID which initially originated in the USA and UK, after reaching its peak in these countries, it is now set to affect children in India which by itself which is a potentially serious situation and must be understood with utmost intelligence, care and with a visionary approach.

Experts state that children and new borns are at risk of the 3rd wave as they are yet to be innoculated against the infection. This disease can only be defeated by speeding up the process of immunisation. And with the current rate of vaccination in India, it is believed that vaccination of 75% of the population will take a minimum of 2.5 years.
Effective resource management of our hospitals, medical personnel including doctors, nurses and paramedics, is the need of the hour.
It is the prime duty of our government (both state and the central governments) to save citizens from the third wave of pandemic. Though the children’s immunity is said to be strong but with the surge of new and more virulent strains, it is necessary to follow all protocols of COVID 19 appropriate behaviour.

Arrangement to vaccinate children which constitute 35.3 percent of our population in the age group of 0-14 years and 41.1% of population which is less than 18 years of age, is going to be a herculean task. Although promise is on the horizon from Bharat Biotech and SII, delivery seems difficult before the big wave hits india. We must approach Pfizer and Moderna for the licensed manufacturing in India.
The progress of vaccination has been absymally low.
The current medical scenario of the country amply states that we are still struggling with about ICU beds. If we assume that in future, 20% of children will get infected and 5% of them would need critical care, we won’t be able to manage it with the present infrastructure.
So the need of the hour is to vaccinate both children as well as younger parents as much as we are vaccinating those above 45 years of age.

A window of opportunity has been created by the grace of God, and we as humans must make the best use of it and prove to the world that we are capable of warding this calamity off.

I am very optimistic that our government under the able guidance of Shri Narendra Modi will address this very critical issue without any further delay. In the meanwhile, it is the duty of the parents to enhance the immunity levels of children by means of good nutrition, happy environment, some form of Indoor physical activity, keeping an atmosphere of calm in the house, mindfulness to keep the environment of anxiety and depression away and most importantly, training them for Covid appropriate behaviour.

It must be noted that to deal with the coming IIIrd wave of lethal pandemic that has devoured many lives, vaccination is the best weapon we have for all age groups.


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