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National Doctor’s Day: Free medical checkup camp organized under the joint aegis of National Medical Forum and Press Club of India.

More than 200 journalists got their medical checkup done through this camp,.


New Delhi, July 1, 2024

On the occasion of National Doctor’s Day, National Medical Forum and Press Club of India (PCI) jointly organized a free medical checkup camp for the members of Press Club of India. More than 200 journalists got their medical checkup done in this program organized by Sanjeevan Hospital.

This medical checkup camp covered a wide range of health related diseases including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), joint pain and surgical checkup. Apart from these checkups, diagnostic tests like blood sugar, hemoglobin (Hb), ECG (electrocardiogram), eye examination, dental checkup were also done.

During the press conference, Dr. Prem Aggarwal, President of the National Medical Forum, introduced everyone to the increasing epidemic of coronary artery disease in India, especially in urban areas. Expressing concern, he said, “About 25% of people suffering from heart disease in India are below 40 years of age and about 50% of people dying from heart attacks are below 50 years of age. Misdiagnosis and lack of proper treatment Most of the cases result in death due to heart attack.”

During this program, Delhi Medical Council (DNC) President Dr. Girish Tyagi, Lipid Association of India President Dr. Raman Puri, retired Prof. Medicine Safdarjung Hospital Dr. Charanjeet also shared his views. Expressing his views on the issue of heart attack during the program, he said, ‘There is a great need to take necessary steps to stop the increasing cases of heart attack among the youth. For this, everyone will have to come together jointly. “

To deal with this problem, National Medical Forum has started 24/7 chest pain helpline 1800-3096096. This helpline will be managed by senior consultants from Sanjeevan Hospital, who will provide guidance for appropriate management of chest pain. Any patient experiencing chest pain in Delhi can call the helpline toll-free, where an expert consultant will listen to the patient’s complaint and help him/her reach the nearest healthcare facility for appropriate treatment.

In support of this medical checkup camp, Gautam Lahiri, President, Press Club of India said, “This collaborative effort between the National Medical Forum and the Press Club of India is an important step towards prioritizing the health of journalists, who are an integral part of our society. Play an important role in.”

The National Medical Forum has launched a 24/7 chest pain helpline, 1800-3096096. This helpline will be managed by senior consultants from Sanjeevan Hospital, offering expert guidance for the proper management of chest pain.

Residents of Delhi experiencing chest pain can avail of this service free of cost, receiving immediate consultation to guide them to the nearest healthcare facility for appropriate treatment.

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