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Narco test for Ankita Bhandari’s alleged murderers with Pulkit, Bhaskar agreeing to it and Ankit refusing ?

There are news reports that according to authoritative sources the court has granted necessary permission to hold the Narco analysis test of the three alleged culprits viz Pulkit Arya, Ankit and Saurabh Bhaskar at Kotdwar, Pauri Garhwal.

While the two main culprits Pulkit Arya and his manager at Vanantara has agreed to the Narco test another culprit Ankit has refused to undertake it.

It may be recalled that all the three culprits are behind bar and are being tried under various severe sections of IPC.

A senior journalist Ashutosh NEGI from Pauri Garhwal who had been relentlessly behind the case and has exposed it initially, finally bringing the culprits to book has also filed a petition in Uttarakhand High Court against the three alleged culprits demanding severest of punishment, holding them responsible for the murder of the receptionist at Vanantara resort in Yamkeshwar, near Rishikesh Ankita Bhandari who was drowned in Ganges. Late Ankita belonged to the village of journalist NEGI, namely Shrikot near Srinagar, Pauri Garhwal.

There were reports of pressurising Ankita to oblige an alleged VIP in the resort which she bravely refused finally leading to her murder by the three culprits viz Pulkit Arya, son of the former minister of state in Uttarakhand associated with BJP and his elder brother a minister of state rank holder, now expelled from the party by BJP high command, by throwing her in the Ganges.

There had been scores of protest demonstrations, candle marches, sit ins and relay hunger strikes including court arrests in Uttarakhand, Delhi and several states of the country where Uttarakhandies live in abundance.

There had been demand for the CBI probe in Ankita murder case but the Uttarakhand saffron party government hasn’t agreed despite repeated protests and demand by the traumatised parents of late Ankita.

The Uttarakhand government has given the case to STF and feels fully satisfied by the STF investigations whereas those opposing and demanding CBI probe including Ankita’s parent have no faith in STF saying that not only has the evidences been washed away by buldozing the resort by the BJP lawmaker Renu Bisht, the ruling party is reluctant to disclose the name of the VIP who is allegedly the main culprit behind the entire episode that led to Ankita’s brutal murder.

Meanwhile, after the necessary permission of the Narco analysis test of the culprits it is believed that something concrete may come out of this complex case, but people in social media are apprehensive that this test is also just an alleged eyewash.

It may be recalled that under Narco test a chemical known as Sodium Pentothal also known as truth serum is injected into the persons concerned leading to lowering of their self consciousness finally speaking to investigators without any inhibition.

After the drug administration, the person concerned goes into hypnotic condition and answers to all the questions without being prejudiced or with safety net.

Narco test is, also known as narco analysis test that forbids the culprit etc to speak any lie. It is a sort of a depression detection test.

However, the biological and forensic evidences are the basis for sending culprits to severest of the punishment not other tests say experts.The narco analysis test is equivalent to polygraph and brain mapping test.

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