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MP CM Shiv Raj Singh reaches the accidental spot near Daamta at Gangotri highway, 26 dead, announces compensation of Rs 5 lakh to each of the families of deceased

After the tragic bus accident near Damta at Gangotri Highway yesterday in which over twenty six pilgrims on CHAR DHAM Yatra died n four grievously injured due to the bus they were travelling abruptly felling in a gorge several hundred feet below the narrow road, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan reached the tragic accidental spot and inspected the area along with the Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami.

The Madhya Pradesh CM also announced the financial compensation of Rs. 5 lakh to each of the deceased and Rs fifty thousand to the injured. Earlier the Prime minister Narendra Modi had announced the compensation of Rs two lakhs to the deceased persons family including fifty thousand to the injured.

The Uttarakhand CM had announced Rs one lakh and fifty thousand to the deceased n injured respectively. Meanwhile, the Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shiv Raj Singh has spoken to the defence minister Rajnath Singh requesting him to send an Army plane to Jollygrant Airport Rishikesh to lift the dead bodies to Madhya Pradesh for their last rites. The Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has ordered a magisterial enquiry into this tragic accident to ascertain the actual reasons behind this accidents. The driver of the accident who was lucky to survive in this dreaded accident said thag he lost the control of the bust die to some technical glitch in the steering of the bus. There were about thirty to thirty two persons travelling in the bus, all from Madhya Pradesh. In Uttarakhand accidents have become order of the day as on every alternate days in an average deadly accidents take place claiming several innocent lives. It is believed that there were several children and adolescents in the bus who’d unfortunately lost their lives. People are complaining about the squeezed highway one of the reasons of this accident. However, there are number of other reasons for accidents in Uttarakhand roads already risky to travel especially during raining seasons viz due to landslides, falling of boulders from mountains, drivers in inebriated condition, no traffic sign boards on dead turns to caution the drivers, buses, vehicles not adequately examined before heading for journeys, passengers conversing with drivers on the way, over driving hours of drivers, bad roads, squeezed and full of potholes and even non mettled etc. Meanwhile, the former Uttarakhand chief minister Harish Rawat has raised certain objections about the bus that was involved in this dreaded accident leading to about twenty five deaths. He said his major objection is that the buses are being hired from anywhere and this very bus had already made to journeys on this road. He maintained that there should be a fixed policy about plying buses on roads. He said the bus that’s involved in an accident is under question as its steering was faulty which resulted in this huge tragedy. The tweet below is self explanatory.

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  1. बड़ी दुखद घटना । मृतकों के प्रति मेरी सम्वेदना। ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे।
    घायलों का सही रूप मे इलाज हो इसी हेतु दोनो मुख्यमंत्रीयो ने आश्वासन दिया।
    घटना पर मुआवजा भी स्वीकृत किया गया । दोनो मुख्यमंत्रियो का व प्रधानमंत्री जी का भी बहुतबहुत धन्यवाद।

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