More than three hundred species (saplings) planted at Vasant Vihar, Dehradun

The biggest need of an hour is to plant as many as trees one can because they not only give oxygen for our survival, the most precious gift, ever, they also conserve water manifold. Trees in true sense are our lungs which keep us alive, fresh and moving. The Chipko movement was one such most inspiring movement started from Rainy village in the interiors of Champions Garhwal, Uttarakhand, to keep contractors away from forests who were expeditiously cutting trees in abundance and making our hills their main source of earning, minting uncountable profits. Thanks to our legendary mother Gaura Deviji, Chandi Prasad Bhatt and Sunderland Bahuguna, eminent globally renowned environmentalists who spread this movement in the entire world. As a sequel to this movement environmentalists and those worried to protect our ecology and environment are within their limits doing their best to plant ad much as saplings they can so that they grow further and protect our environment. The founder of SDC, Dehradun, environment activist Anoop Nautiyal who is round the clock engaged in various socio environmental activities has today planted several saplings of more than three hundred different species in Vasant Vihar Dehradun one of the best localities of the state capital. Speaking to the author Negi of UK nation news, Anoop Nautiyal said that : We have been working on this plan for the last few weeks and finally today in the first ever Miyawaki Urban Forest Pilot Program in Dehradun in Vasant Vihar area in Dehradun more than 300 indigenous species (Amaltas, Neem, Bhimal , Tejpat, Kachnar, Parijat+) saplings were planted . It is a pleasure to partner with Uttarakhand Forest Research Institute – Government of Uttarakhand, RWAs of Vasant Vihar area of the city and non-profit organization, SGI Foundation. Together, we will do our best to save them and make them flourish. Kudos.