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Minister, external affairs S Jai Shankar meets families of eight Indian behind bars in Qatar given death sentence

The external affairs Minister of India S. Jai Shankar today met the anguished families of eight Indians detained in Qatar and awarded capital punishment.

The foreign minister Mr. Prasad informed on X, earlier twitter that he met this morning with the families of the 8 Indians detained in Qatar and stressed that Government attaches the highest importance to the case. He fully shared the concerns and pain of the families.

The minister of external affairs underlined that the Government will continue to make all efforts to secure their release and will also coordinate closely with the families in that regard.

Kindly recall that eight Indian personnel of Indian Navy had been given capital punishment by Qatar Court on the serious charge for spying for Israel government.

It is a well known fact that Qatar government is openly and outrightly supporting, aiding and abetting the Hamas terrorists of Palestine who’d committed a blunder to fire more than three thousand rockets on the civilian population of Israel killing more than 1500 Israel citizens including kidnapping over 224 men, women and children on 7 th October.

This action of Palestine and its Hamas terrorists has led to Israel attacking Palestine, Gaza Strip n some parts of West Bank with powerful bombs including rockets, mortars and shells killing over 17000 Palestine and injuring thousands.

About twenty lakh Palestinians have been displaced searching for shelters and sources of survival after water, electricity connections cut off and food supplies stopped completely.

The Western Countries and European Union including UAE are with Israel while the Muslim block is with Palestinian with UN, European Union and Muslim block appealing for complete ceasefire with Israel still busy is repeated attacks on Palestinian population and buildings by air and on ground, fully committed to wipe out Hamas from Palestine once for all.

Meanwhile, this poison of sectarianism has reached in Russia’s southern area Dagestan, a Muslim dominated republic situated in the North Caucasus of Eastern Europe, along the Caspian Sea. It is located north of the Greater Caucasus, and is a part of the Northern Caucasian Federal District.

Hundreds of protesting and violent Palestinians / Muslims entered the airport and even the tarmac with Palestine flags n sticks in their hands raising religious and anti Israel slogans searching for Jews, if any to teach them lesson. They even attacked a police car. All the attackers were badly furious, angered and annoyed searching for jews to lunch them. The Israel government has strongly condemned and protested asking Russia to ensure the safety and security of the Jews living there. They were breaking the doors in search the jews. The crowd were completely violent and raising slogans search the jews.

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