Meeting convened at Garhwal Bhawan against the most obnoxious rape of a 4 year old girl

The Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha and Uttarakhand Journalists Forum has strongly condemned the .most obnoxious brutal rape with a four year old girl by a human beast living in Pandav Nagar , New Delhi. This most obnoxious act has resulted in an outrage in the society especially among the residents of Uttarakhand living in Delhi and NCR . The Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha, the biggest representative social organisation in Delhi with its headquarter at Panchquin Road near Chandra Singh Garhwali Chowk has convened a meeting of its members and Uttarakhandies living in Delhi and NCR including the writers, journalists , social activists and women members at Garhwal Bhawan precincts to chalk out a strategy to counter such attempts in future and pressuring the police authorities to stringently punish the guilty of this most obnoxious crime rather capital punishment. The three year old infant was so tortuously raped that she had to be admitted in All India Institute of Medical Sciences after first being taken to Lal Bahadur Shastri hospital. The time of the meeting is at 3 PM on 26 March, 2024 where views of the participants would be elicited regarding non occurence of such shameful and obnoxious incidents in future and arrest and subsequent stringent punishment to the culprits under the stringent sections of the law. The president of the Sabha Ajay Bisht and its general secretary Mangal Singh Negi has appealed to one and all to participate in this crucial meeting so as to find ways and means for consoling the anguished and traumatic family and creating awareness in the society for non reoccurrence of such obnoxious incidents including stringent punishment to the culprits etc . It may be recalled that the brother of the teacher aged thirty eight years old has been arrested . The sparking protests in the area allegedly led to vandalising some vehicles on Sunday said the police. The case was registered in Mandavali police station about of a rape of a minor girl. The police immediately swung into action and arrested the culprit . Lot of Delhi police personal and paramilitary personnel have been deputed in the area to maintain peace and control the law and order situation. Soon after this shameful incident the minister in Delhi government wrote a letter to LG of Delhi Shri Vinay Saxena demanding stringent action against the culprit saying that it is the constitutional responsibility of his to safeguard and protect the infants and the girls of NCT of Delhi and deliver strictest and stringent punishment to the dreaded culprit of this most obnoxious crime that compels us to put down out heads in utter shame.

शर्मसार करने वाली घटना
पांडव नगर, दिल्ली में 4 वर्ष की बिटिया के साथ जो हुआ वह शर्मसार करने वाली घटना है। बताया गया कि बिटिया के साथ रेप हुआ है, स्थिति बिगड़ने के बाद उसे एम्स में भर्ती कराया गया हैं। यह एक किसी भी समाज के लिए जघन्य अपराध है। गढ़वाल हितैषिणी सभा इसकी कड़ी भर्त्सना करता है। समाज में इस प्रकार की घटनाओं को रोकने व पीड़िता के मानसिक, शारिरिक व मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रभाव को ठीक प्रकार से व्यवस्थित करने पर ठोस कार्य नीति तय करना व अपराधियों को उचित सजा दिलवाने हेतु कानूनी सहायता तैयार करना, दिल्ली/एनसी आर की समस्त सामाजिक संस्थाओं, बाल सुरक्षा हेतु कार्यरत संगठनों, समाज के प्रबुद्धजनों, बुद्धिजीवियों, अधिवक्ताओं, न्याययिका से सम्बंधित लोग, साहित्यकार , मनोवैज्ञानिक , शिक्षक ,रंगकर्मी एवं मीडियाकर्मियों से इस विषय में दिनांक 26 मार्च, 2024 को गढ़वाल भवन , पंचकुइयां रोड़, झंडेवाला में शाम 3 बजे एक बैठक आमंत्रित की हैं । आप सभी से सभा आग्रह करती है कि बैठक में आप सभी अपने सुझावों व भूमिका के साथ समय पर अपनी उपस्थिति सुनिश्चित करें।