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Tourism, Travel, Mythology, Environment,


Col Lalit Chamola, SM( Retd)

The experiences in meditation at Chakrata in 1998(details given in part 1 of my experiences dated 31st July, 20) had started changing me internally. I had started understanding things with greater clarity and was able to provide better solutions to even difficult and complicated problems. I was promoted to the rank of Colonel and posted to the Doda district of J & K. I was in a place called Gandoh which terrain wise was extremely tough due to very high rugged mountains, dense jungles and very poor road connectivity. It shared its boundry with Himachal Pradesh and was one of the most backward areas of the state with abject poverty. It was a hotbed of terrorism during 1998 – 99.

• Terrorist Sikandar.

The practice of doing regular Meditation ( Dhyan) had now become a way of life for me. One day duringy early morning Dhyan I clearly saw a person with weapon hidden under his clothes traveling in a blue coloured bus with a white band in its centre. I immediately gave the following instructions ,
” Captain Sharma, immediately take out a patrol and go to the junction of Mukias- Gandoh- Thatri road”.
“Yes Sir, we will be there by
“No, I want you to be there before 7 AM ready in all respects”.
” Right Sir”.
” Information is that there is a blue coloured bus with white band in its centre coming from Mukias. A terrorist Sikandar is traveling in it. He can be armed”.
” Ok ,Sir”.
“I want you to take all precautions, search the bus and be prepared for the encounter”.

At 9 AM I was informed that the search of buses had not revealed anything. On my checking back from
my source ( a shopkeeper) in the area I found that the blue coloured bus had indeed crossed the junction at 6.45 AM while our party had reached at 7.30 AM. A day later I attended a conference at Kishtwar in which the Brigade commander informed us that the notorious terrorist Sikandar who had masterminded the massacre of the Hindu marriage party at Khillanani was back and active in the area. I was terribly upset because my vision had correctly guided me but the inept military Operation had allowed Sikandar to escape.

• Meeting The President.

During May-June 99 the intrusion by Pakistan in kargil had been detected and there was lots of tension in the air, simultaneously the terrorist activities had increased. Under such circumstances I was at a place called Telenkal on the boarder of Gandoh and Bhadarwah. The experience of vision and the energy levels which I felt that day were phenomenal. I could see and feel the event as if my eyes were open. I saw myself approaching the President of India escorting a lady. I was not only confused but also worried. The Kargil conflict forced us to move to a different location nearer to the Line of Control( LOC).
On 15 th July during my dhyan I could clearly see Maj Sushil Aima battling terrorists. I could see him griveously injured bleeding profusly and attaining martydom. I was really scared and hence called him to my office from his location which involved a walk of three hours. I was happy to see him safe and healthy. I decided to keep him away from operations and sanctioned his leave. He was to leave on 1st August for Delhi. I sent his replacement a few days in advance. The morning of 1st August, 99 saw our unit getting involved into a fierce encounter with nine terrorists in the area of Sushil Aima’s company who had crossed over from Pakistan. Sushil was not to take part in the operations. However he rushed to eliminate the terrorists telling me,
” Sir, how can I proceed on leave when my company is fighting?”
He eliminated three terrorists on his own but due to a fatal bullet, in his head, he attained martyrdom for the integrity of his motherland.He was awarded the second highest gallantry award” Kirti Chakra” and to receive the same I was accompanying his wife Mrs Archana Aima on 19th October, 2000 at Rashtrapati Bhawan from the President of India. The vision had come out to be true but I was terribly sad. ( The details have been given by me in my earlier post about Maj Sushil Aima dated 30th june, 20).


The knowledge of events of future and their coming out to be true most of the times developed a very detached feelings in me. I during the meditation go into a state of complete thoughtlessness ( No thoughts). On many occasions I not only experienced very strong vibrations and energy levels but also a feeling of weightlessness. At times I felt as if I would just lift off from the ground. I became curious to know the reason for this.
I have never given importance to “knowing the Future” because I realised that there is a definitness of both time and space.
The time and space have existed for millions of years and will also exists for another infinite period. If one can marry and correctly combine these two then to recreate the past and know the future is achievable.
I have always given value and importance to the Karma i.e. doing an action correctly and judiciously.
l started focusing my energies on knowing the truth. I realised that everything in my physical body was replaceable and there were lot of parts in the body whoes absence or presence did not matter, life would still carry on. During deep Dhyan many a times I felt that the body did not
exist but the breath carried on and then the awakening came that the only thing true in me is “My Breath”.
I now started concentrating my energies on understanding my breath and soon was able to channalise my mind into what I wanted to know instead of what was being shown to me. After some focussed practice and discipline I started mastering my breath and mind and hence was not dependent on time, place and environment to get into dhyan.( The methods adopted by me would be discussed separately in subsequent posts).

• Construction of Lord Hanuman Mandir.

The Kargil war brought me to a place called Mandi -Loran in Poonch District. I was told that the change was temporary in nature and while everybody moved back to their original locations after the Kargil war, I was told to stay back and conduct operations in that area. Very often in my visions I used to see a place and get almost like a command from the universe that I needed to construct a Lord Hanuman temple in that place, but where, when and how, I could never figure out.

One day while during my usual tour of operational routine I came to a place and since I had time ,I sat there and started doing my dhyan. I could clearly identify this place from my visions. The place on which I was sitting in my dhyan was the same place where I was mandated to construct the temple. After a while a local from the area Mr Abdul Ganai came to me and out of the blue said ,
” Janab aapko kya yeh Jamin Chahiye?”( Sir, do you want this land?)
I was totally surprised at his offer.
” Haan, mujhe chahiye, par main yahan par Hanuman ji ka mandir tameel karunga”( Yes, I want it, but I will construct a Lord Hanuman Mandir here).
I was not expecting a favourable answer from a Muslim person.
“Janab, mujhe koi pareshani nahi hai.”( Sir ,I have no objection).
He donated the land free of cost. In our discussion I realised that the villagers had acute drinking water problem and the irrigation facilities into their fields too was very poor.
I promised him and the villagers that I will ensure round the clock water supply for the passangers on the road and also irrigation facilities for their fields.
The construction work started on the auspicious Ramnavmi day in 2001. I sent an officer to select and buy a good four feet tall Hanuman Statue from Rajasthan. I was surprised when the dealer gave me a call and said ,
” Karnal Sahab, Aap Fauzi log desh ki raksha karte hain aur ab aap Mandir bana kar dharam ka kaam bhi kar rahe hain to hum aap se paise kaise le sakte hain?”( You army people defend our nation and now you are also doing religious work by constructing a temple , then how can I charge money from you for this noble work?)
I was surprised, that a statue which would have cost me Rs 50,000 was being given free by him. I only had to bear the cost of transportation. God had a great design and I was lucky to be chosen for executing the same.
The Mandir was completed on 12 th December , 2001 and we did the sthapana(inauguration) and Pooja with the full participation of the Muslim Men and women. The ceremony was a devine experience.
I got orders on that very day to move out to a different location. By 18th December I with my unit had moved out to South Kashmir region. It appeared to me that I had successfully completed the task for which God had sent me to Mandi. In a few years time the area had become very prosperous as the irrigation facilities developed along side the construction of Mandir had encouraged people to plant fruit trees of plum, apple etc which found a good market and fetched higher price.
I was able to get the Mandir constructed in a Muslim Village, on a land donated by a Sunni Muslim free of cost, get the statue of the Lord, again free and with complete cooperation of the Muslim men and women of the area, on a land which appeared in my visions,was possible only with devine intervention. Nature has strange ways we only need to have the energy and eye to recognise the signals.

• The Lost Weapon

During May 2001 we were busy with our anti terrorist operations, when one day the Subedar Major gave me a message that one weapon was missing. The Adjutant informed me that despite all efforts the weapon was no where to be found. I as per military practices put the entire unit on an alert and a specific ragada( physical punishment), till the weapon was found. In the morning as I sat down for my dhyan, I focused my energies on the weapon. In the middle of my Dhyan I gave a call to the Subedar Major and ordered him to search the tool box area of a particular 5 Ton Vehicle. After a while he informed me that the weapon had been found hidden under the 5 Ton Vehicle in the tool box region. The Subedar Major and Officers asked me as to how did I known that it was hidden under that Vehicle. I myself didn’t have any answer or explanation for it then and even now, but finding the weapon was a big relief.

• Dhyan and Decision Making .

The regular practice of Dhyan led me to attain the zero thought state more often, and I realised that I was more clear in my thinking. The state of anger, anxiety and fear had started disappearing from my personality . I was more peaceful, balanced and could find solutions to grave and complicated situations. The people of the area who had deep dislike and mistrust for Army were not only openly supporting us but had become very friendly. Even after 20 years I get messages and calls from people of the area.

Once I was faced with a very difficult choice to be made. A very senior officer in the hierarchy wanted me to take action against two bright young officers whose military career would have been jeopardized. I wanted clear thinking on it, as it would mean me sacrificing my own military career. The Dhayan gave me a clear direction to follow the Rishi Dadhichi approach. When I met the senior officer I told him,
” In order to save my officers, I am prepared to sacrifice my career but not my Conscience”.
The stand taken by me convinced the superior authority not to take action against them.
Over the years I have realised that the regular practice of Dhyan has gravitated me towards my own core. I have become a more humane person who is happier, clearer and without fears.
I hope to help more people in their journey and quest for Dhyan by writing about more of my experiences and list techniques which I follow in my subsequent posts.

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