After a massive landslide in Tingarh village of Tehri Garhwal a few days ago in which more than fifty houses, almost the entire village has been washed away with cemented houses now being rehabilitated elsewhere at safest place, the administration still on the job, another massive landslide has occured a day ago during the midnight at Nautaad Village in Bhilangana block in Tehri Garhwal district due to a cloudburst incident where exactly after ten years majority of the village houses and school building have been fully submerged under the massive debris of the flood water that arrived after this catastrophic disaster of Tingarh village in Tehri Garhwal. Three persons have been buried under the massive debris of the landslide n the loss os properties immeasurable. The landslide that occured ten years ago in the same village had created havoc then too but the authorities and the local administration had learnt no lessons thinking that the bad days has passed on, not knowing that such ecological tragedies may reoccur in future and after ten years it happened against with a more vigorous speed and magnitude damaging the entire village, burying three living people underneath the massive debris. In Teengarh village of Tehri Garhwal too the landslide was so dangerous and ferocious that it engulfed the entire village comprising of more than fifty cemented big houses with people having lost their everything including houses, articles, money and schools situated in the village periphery, leaving them of nowhere. In Gairsain a seven month pregnant woman was buried under the debris after her house was badly damaged due to a landslide. The most dangerous ecological catastrophe of 2013 which led to more than 5.5 thousand people dead as per the government statistics in the entire Kedarnath valley and elsewhere including more than Rs. 50000 crores of loss, leaves its horrifying scars behind till date but the lessons are not being learnt at all, unfortunately. Even after such a huge tragedy of natural disaster termed as man made the same mistakes and blunders are being repeated in Kedarnath Dham and its surroundings with concrete structures being erected and more n more cemented buildings coming up including at Kedarnath and Badrinath Dham in the name of so called high tech modernisation and environmentally unfriendly development including widespread construction of hotels, resorts and multi story commercial building on river banks violating all the environmental and building norms.

We shouldn’t forget that Uttarakhand comes under Zone five, prone to earthquakes and ecological disasters but the all weather roads, expansion underground railway networks till Karnaprayag, deforestation , forest fires on major scale including large hydro power projects and expanding the roads networks in the spiritual Himalayan state has made our already weak and fragile mountains hollow from inside with dynamite explosions and lakhs of tons of muck, boulders, rocks and filth falling into pious rivers making them polluted and full of rubbish prone to more ecological disasters. The recent spate of landslides, over flooding of rivers, cloudburst incidents, falling of boulders, wiping out of villages due to landslides are the unambiguous signals of man made more powerful disasters in the offing in the Himalayan states of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. Beware of it and leave the hills n mountains free from massive human intervention- the only solution of the day ! beware !