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Mamta missing since 25 Nov, 2019 from Srinagar, Garhwal. No clue till yet !

After the negligent and indifferent attitude of the revenue n regular police of Uttarakhand especially after the most tragic brutal murder of a 19 year old innocent girl at Chila Canal in Rishikesh of September 18, working as a receptionist in Vanantara resort owned by a BJP leader n his son, the alleged killer , now in prison under intense interrogation of STF – a case of mysterious disappearance of a married woman namely Mamta Joshi Bahuguna missing since 25 th November 2019 has come to light and being raised frequently. What is worrisome about this case that the Srinagar Garhwal police had filed the closure report in the court but the honourable judge had asked the police to reopen the case and locate the missing woman, though the traumatic family see’s in this something very fishy accusing the police keeping them run from pillar to posts for the last three years but of no avail. According to news reports the woman is missing from hed house since 25 th November, 2019 and after detailed investigations the slippers of the missing Mamta Joshi were found near the bridge at Alaknanda river as a result several teams of SDRF, local police n divers were depute on the job to locate her dead body presuming that she might have committed suicide. But after intensive search by the drivers nothing was found inside Alaknanda river. The police said that they had also informed the police of other states after investigating the case in depth but could not prove successful to trace the woman. As a result the police filed the closure report a year before. However, after the media hype of the case in newspapers n electronic media, according to advocate Chandrabhan Tiwari the matter was appealed for its reopening to trace the missing woman. The first class judicial magistrate therefore directed the police to reopen the close case of Mamta Joshi Bahuguna and investigate is from a different angle to ensure that the missing girl is traced at the earliest. The friends of Mamta Joshi Bahuguna giving rebuff to the police’s assumption of Mamta Joshi Bahuguna probably committing suicide said that she was a brave woman and therefore not a question arises about her being committing suicide. They rather blamed her inlaws of harrassing and victimising her who had compelled Mamta to undergo abortion twice. They accused the in laws of Mamata for having influenced the police through different means using the political clout of influential persons. According to the SHO of Srinagar Shyam Dutt Nautiyal refuting the allegations the police had carried out an extensive search not only in UKhand but is several other states but after not being successful were constrained to file a close report in the court. The Uttarakhand Kranti Dal has also held a demonstration in Dehradun and presented a memorandum to the govt authorities demanding action against the guilty in the case and vigorously initiation of the probe to ensure Mamta’s early recovery. There is pressing demand for CBI probe into this mysterious disappearance of an innocent woman allegedly harrassed and victimised by her in laws.

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