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A tweet of the governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshiyari has created quite a commotion in political corridors of Maharashtra when he wrote : During the recent visit of Hon’ble Prime Minister to Mumbai, I have conveyed to him my desire to be discharged of all political responsibilities and to spend the remainder of my life in reading, writing and other activities. Lauding the prime minister he again tweeted that he has always received the love and affection from him, hoping to acknowledge in future as well. There have been number of responses to his tweet ridiculing his statement on Twitter with one Twiteratti Nitin J writing : Hon’ble Governor, You will need to tender resignation in writing. Ask your army of assistants, anybody will tell the same. Expressing desire and putting onus on our PM is not good tweeted Nitin in his response to Governor’s tweet. True Bitter@pseudoidealist also replied writing : Governor’s resignation to @PMOIndia ? Confused – What is taught in a Political Science class ? CM decided by the High Command not by legislative? Cabinet in the state decided by High Command and not CM as witnessed in HP lately tweeted True Bitter. One Idrees Bakhtiyar in a serious advisable tone tweeted : If it is in a literal sense, then it us your personal space. But if in a legal or constitutional sense, then it is absolutely necessary to discuss it with the prime minister. I think it us the Hon’ble president who need to be consulted tweeted Idrees. As if this was not enough Tejinder Singh tweeted in a mockery tone : Dude , your boss is @rashtrapatibhawan not @narendramodi. I can imagine what kind of work you must have been doing who doesn’t know his reporting manager tweeted Singh. Rahul Deshpandey seems to be fed up with politicians who tweets: Make the case for getting rid of the post altogether. Waste of tax payers money he tweeted. Kindly recall that Maharashtra Governor’s tweet has raised lot of commotion in political circles of BJP as Mr. Koshiyari has instead of stray away writing to President seeking resignation of his has prefered to go public in social media which usually don’t happen. Some experts say that usually these decisions are taken in confidence n under wraps before being divulged as happened in this case. One of the twitteraties Anand Dharme catagorically tweeted enclosing a picture of Wikipedia material as below tweeting : Option to resign is available and it need to send to President of India not prime minister of India.

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