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Legendary singer Narendra Singh Negi was the star attraction of Kandoliya Devta Puja at Pauri, Garhwal

A three-day puja and bhandara program was concluded in Pauri Kandolia, in which more than 50,000 people participated in the puja and bhandara. Kandolia Devta, known as Lokpal deity, is considered as the god of justice in Garhwal and Kumaon. The devotees from Pauri township and the surrounding villages including those living in metropolises and towns converge here every year during the month of June to pay their obeisance to Lord Kandolya Devta who is famous all around as the deity of justice just and Goljyu Devta is popular in entire Kumaon region, considered to be the incarnation of is believed spiritually that Lord Kandolya protects the Pauri Township ship warding off the evil spirits falling on it ( Pauri, Garhwal).

Another special feature of this temple is that the priests of this temple are Negi people of Dungriyal caste. Similarly, the priests of the Chitai Golu temple located in Almora also belonged to the Bisht caste, but with the end of this dynasty, the right to worship was given to the people of the Pant caste. This Lokpal deity of Champawat, Pauri and Almora is also a story of pride in the social and cultural relations of Garhwal and Kumaon.

Gauri Seth of Pauri village played a very important role in the promotion of Pauri Kandolia temple and Umrau Singh, father of folk singer Narendra Singh Negi, in the worship activities. Even today the people of this village continue to follow this tradition every year. In this year’s puja and bhandara, the famous 80-year-old theater artist of Pauri village, Mehtab Singh Rawat alias Dallu Babu, organizing committee chairman Jaspal Singh Negi, Padmendra Singh Negi, Lalit Chitkaria and folk singer Narendra Singh Negi were prominently present.

Dr.Yogesh Dhasmana, from Pauri, Kandolya temple

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