Date -23 March 2025
The CPI Delhi State organised very impressive event of paying heartfelt tributes to Martyrs Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru at Shaheed Park ITO , Delhi.
COM. D.Raja General Secretary, CPI and Prof. Dinesh Varshney Secretary CPI Delhi State Council garlanded the statues of Three Martyers and paid tributes to Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru for their invaluable sacrifices for the nation freeing it from the deadly clutches of the British imperialists at such a young age.
COM. Aziz Pasha, Rama Krishna Panda, Dr. Girish Sharma Secretariat members of CPI along with Shankarlal, Keher Singh, Absar Ahmed, Sanjeev Kumar Rana and Dr. Amrita Secretariat members CPI Delhi State Council along with other Comrades paid floral tributes to Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru.

Com. D. Raja while starting the CPI All India Political campaign from 23 rd March to 14 th April said that Bhagat Singh during his relentless struggle against Britishers had sad catagorically that the days of imperialism are numbered.
He always advocated socialism and condemned all types of communalism. He said that Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru sacrifices for the India’s true Independence will not go waste. The CPI fought and is incessantly fighting against the communal forces to keep India United and secular , the ideals for which these freedom fighters fought against British imperialism. Comrade Raja emphatically said that India should inevitably remain a secular democratic republic in true sense and that’s the only real tribute to these revolutionaries etched in our history in golden letters for their supreme sacrifice for the country.

All CPI branches all over India should join this All India Political campaign during this three weeks appealed D.Raja to one and all adding further that we stand for national integration and for the defence of the Constitution of India. He said that’s the reason we are doing this campaign till 14 th April which is the birthday of Babasaheb Ambedkar. Com. Raja further said that we must fight against BJP led government’s anti people policies of no jobs to youth of India. Price rise hasalnost grilled every poor Indian said Raja. Women’s, Minorities and Dalits are attacked. We have to fight for their defence. Economic policies are led only to benefit crony capitalists. Raja further said that during this campaign we have to fight to oust the BJP government from the centre.
Today’s tribute and political campaign was also joined by All India and Delhi State leaders of AIKS, AISF, AIYF, NFIW ,BKMU etc .
It may be recalled that the British Government was so terrified of Shaheed-e-Azam Sardar Bhagat Singh and his supporters that Bhagat Singh was hanged in the evening instead of the morning.
First, the court order to hang him was issued on 27 October 1930, which was changed to 4 April 1931 and finally he was hanged on 23 March at 7 pm. The court order to hang Bhagat Singh and the original copy of the order of the Superintendent of Lahore Jail to complete the hanging. Salute to such a martyr.