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Leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi writes to UP CM demanding increase in the financial compensation to the Hathras victims !

The leader of the opposition and former Congress president Rahul Gandhi visited Hathras and met the families of the deceased of the Hathras tragedy. Rahul Gandhi interacted with maximum bereaved families and consoled them including finding the reason behind this mishappening. More than 121 followers of the self-styled Godman Suraj Pal aka Narayan Sakar Hari had died in this tragedy with several other grievously injured. There are reports that this tragedy occured when the self styled Godman was leaving the Venue at Hathras after his discourse. The followers in large numbers were trying to have the soil of his feet ( Charan raakh) when they fell down and thereafter those coming from behind also fell on them killing 121 or more people in a massive stampede. The self-styled Godman instead of resolving the issue and arranging for ambulances, sending the injured to hospitals etc ran away and is still absconding till date with the state government having not registered a single FIR against him but arresting seven Sewadars including the Mukhya Sewadar Dev Prasad. Meanwhile, the former Congress chief and leader of the opposition Rahul Gandhi has written a letter to the Uttar Pradesh chief minister urging him to enhance the financial help to the bereaved families of the deceased as well as those who are injured. He also demanded best possible free of cost treatment tk the injured including every kind of support. The letter in Hindi written by Rahul Gandhi to UP CM Yogi Adityanath states that I am shocked after knowing about the sad demise of more than 121 people in Hathras stampede. I am writing you with a feeling of extreme trauma thinking that you also might be feeling so. Yesterday morning I had met several victimised families of Hathras in Aligarh district and tried to part the grief with them. The tragedy was so shocking that I had no words of grief to express. Several families have lost their everything which can’t be compensated at all. But after providing them every possible help n support we can atleast lessen their anguish to some extent wrote Rahul Gandhi. He categorically raised the issue of financial compensation given or announced by the UP government as it is too little n insufficient. I request the UP CM to increase the compensation amount at the earliest and deliever to them saidRahul. He also demanded immediate free treatment in best hospitals including increased financial compensation. Rahul Gandhi also wrote that as per the version of the victimised families whom he talked to, the local administration’s lack of wisdom and negligence were also responsible for this tragedy to occur. Therefore a transparent and honest in – depth probe in this tragedy in inevitable to bring the culprits to justice at the earlier so as to ensure the victimised families that they will definitely get due justice and would also work as a deterrent for non occurance of such tragedies in future said Rahul Gandhi in the letter written to UP CM. From the angle of delivering justice also this is very important said Rahul Gandhi through his letter addressed to UP CM Yogi Adityanath. Rahul Gandhi urged the CM to be with the bereaved families at this critical time and fulfill his demand for the increase in financial compensation for the bereaved families of the deceased as well as to the injured.

Writing on his social media handle Rahul Gandhi wrote : After meeting the victim families affected by the stampede accident in Hathras, feeling their grief and knowing their problems, I informed the Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath ji about them through a letter. Urged the Chief Minister to increase the compensation amount and provide it to the bereaved families as soon as possible. They need our collective condolences and support in this hour of grief.

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